Evil Son: C14 - CNT18
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Evil Son: C14

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This novel was posted on cnt18 [dot] blogsp0t [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

"No! —S-stop! Ah!"

The letters are all leant, just like Yu Jiang's. Looks like neither of those brothers were the studious type. Yu Yanzhang clutched the note to his chest, a burst of warmth immediately flooding through him. Tang Hong... I never thought I would ever meet the other son Xiao Lei had taken away, but there was pain projecting through those dark eyes like a needle... If he knew that I—a man impregnated by someone of the same sеx, a man who was violated right in front of him, was actually h-his... his father... t-then... what would he think of me? Would he still be so kind to me? ...no, absolutely not! He would definitely despise me and toss me aside. He would definitely yell "I wished you were never my father! All you make me feel is shame!" at me... that was the truth! If it's no different than what Yu Jiang had yelled at him back then when he was younger... what am I going to do? What will I do? I can;t, I can;t ever let him find out who I really am... I can't... Yu Yanzhang closed hos eyes bitterly. This isn't my fault, this isn't my fault... if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would never live such a complicated and humiliating life! But... as soon as Yu Yanzhang closed his eyes, he would remember Liu Wei and Tang Sen...

"I-it... seems like you hate your dad." The man forced out a smile as he looked at Tang Hong, and without knowing why, Tang Hong felt that, despite the man's face seeming a bit flushed, his lips had lost all their colour. But he paid it no mind and went on to reply cheerfully, "I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate the man. I think he probably had his own troubles that made him leave my mom and I back then. I'm sure evil intent wasn't the reason he would abandon a mother-son pair like us, because I could at least see that my mom had never hated him."

"Oh! That's because my I was adopted by another family since my mom passed away when I was young. So that sister I told you about was that family's daughter. She and I aren't related by blood, but—" Tang Hong then fixed his eyes on that man, his entire body no on alert unable to again relax! "But I need you to tell me why you know my mother, and why you seem to be really close to her! You're even calling her 'Xiao Lei'... what is the relationship between you and my mom?"

In the middle of the night, Tang Hong was jolted from sleep by the screams of the person beside him, giving him a start. Then upon noticing the man in his arms struggling painfully, his muddled mind soon vaguely remembered what that man had been through earlier that day.

Tang Hong was sure that he was not seeing things wrong. That young group leader that was revered like a god by his brothers in that group was indeed fiercely kissing that man he found—there was no mistaking it. But... not only was he holding him tightly, hat kiss was full of passion. Oh my god! He was definitely deserving of the group leader role! Is that how you kiss people? Is it supposed to be like your trying to eat them?! What's more, Tang Hong also realise a fact... Allowing the Group Leader to keep kissing like that would definitely result in a death!

When Tang Hong thought about it like that, he really started to sweat and blamed himself for so shameless. He then pretended as though nothing was wrong when he patted that man on the shoulder, then further pretended he had already forgotten what he had just asked as he yawned and said, "Oh look at that, it's already one o'clock! We should get to bed, yeah?"

The letters are all leant, just like Yu Jiang's. Looks like neither of those brothers were the studious type. Yu Yanzhang clutched the note to his chest, a burst of warmth immediately flooding through him. Tang Hong... I never thought I would ever meet the other son Xiao Lei had taken away, but there was pain projecting through those dark eyes like a needle... If he knew that I—a man impregnated by someone of the same sеx, a man who was violated right in front of him, was actually h-his... his father... t-then... what would he think of me? Would he still be so kind to me? ...no, absolutely not! He would definitely despise me and toss me aside. He would definitely yell "I wished you were never my father! All you make me feel is shame!" at me... that was the truth! If it's no different than what Yu Jiang had yelled at him back then when he was younger... what am I going to do? What will I do? I can;t, I can;t ever let him find out who I really am... I can't... Yu Yanzhang closed hos eyes bitterly. This isn't my fault, this isn't my fault... if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would never live such a complicated and humiliating life! But... as soon as Yu Yanzhang closed his eyes, he would remember Liu Wei and Tang Sen...

The lamp in the room was long turned off, but despite it, the silvery light from the moon shone upon that bed through the window.

"Does that mean you never found him?"

Cold sweats enveloped Tang Hong, and from the corner of his eye he could see the group leader slowly approach him. Is he going to kick me down from the twenty-fifth floor? ...Boss, for the sake of the brotherhood between us for being in the same group, please be gentle... Tang Hong was also aware Yu Jiang had went to Japan for the specific purpose of receiving training.

Leaving to answer the call, Tang Hong's face grew darker by the second. "Mmhm, yeah, okay. I understand!" After hanging up, he made his way back to the bedside without saying a word. Then in reaction to his silence, that man warm body leaned closer to him and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

"A! A!" Gently patting that man's pale and sweat covered face, Tang Hong lifted him into his arms. He couldn't imagine what kind of horrid nightmare that man was having to have made him react in such a way.

"No! —S-stop! Ah!"

That imposing manner of the group leader turned violent, and his glaring eyes sweeping over Tang Hong right before he started to walked away. This made Tang Hong panic, panicked enough to shout out from behind him, "It's a pregnant man who wants to meet you!"

The next day, Tang Hong, with a head full of worry and hesitation, made his way to his group's headquarters located at the bustling heart of the Nan'an district.

The man soon spread his eyes wide, his breaths still exhaled in uneven pants as his gaze then focused on Tang Hong, which at first had given him a start. But afterwards, slowly, his focused yes on the young man became dazed.

"A, I made some meat and pearl barley soup along with some rice. So after you get up, just eat them, okay? Your body's not well, so you have to make sure you eat all of it, alright? —Tang Hong."

"I'm sorry." The man then stated, his voice calm and low—in fact, it would be aptly described as magnetic. It was the kind of voice that made it obvious he was someone cultured. Which had made Tang Hong even more confused as to how someone whose background and education were so good could've fallen into such a situation. Borrowing the light from the moon to get a good look at the man's face, Tang Hong could see the man no longer had the unkempt and destitute look he bore earlier that day. His once scattered black hair was now neatly bound behind his head, and despite his face still being rather pale, it was still quite refined and gentle. His forehead was also wide and clear, displaying that unique temperament belonging to intellectuals. The pair of pyjamas the man had borrowed from Tan Hong was a little too big for the man, and Tang Hong did his best to not stare at his swollen stomach.

"Are you—are you r-really Tang Lei's son?" The man then added, "But last night, didn't you tell me you had an older sister... That's impossible! Xiao Lei never gave birth to a daughter!"

"It's alright now. Did you have a bad dream? ...Did you remember something bad? Don't worry, everything is fine now. You're here with me now, and it's very safe. So relax, okay?"

"Uh? ...uhh?" Tang Hong was left stupefied until he then heard Yu Jiang roar, "You want me to kick your αss all the way down to the ground floor, you bastard! I'm asking you where the hell is he!"

"Ah... Boss, you ran up too fast!" They had both gotten out from the car together, but his group leader practically flew out the car and left Tang Hong behind. So after the abandoned and sweaty Tang Hong made his way in, he stood at the open door with eyes spread wide. T-t-t-that's...

Ack! The group leader didn't kick me! And hearing that trembling voice repressing countless pain along with excitement as he questioned him, Tang Hong lifted is head to meet Yu Jiang's deep, beautiful eyes which seemed as though they were set ablaze. The surging waves within those dark pools of his could be easily seen at a glance! His chest also heaving as he excitedly asked, "Where is he—where is that person!"

As Tang Hong said those words, a gentle smile spread across his face. To that man, this younger man before him, who was already long grown, had reminded him of his gentle JiejieT/n: Jie/Jiejie is used for one's older sister or any older female that is around sibling age. for some reason.

"Oh... who?" Tang Hong's interest rose.

As Tang Hong spoke, he got more and more immersed in his in his suspicions, so much so, that only after catching himself did he realise he had given out a long stream of thoughts without knowing it.

Tang Hong laughed in response, "Yes, he is! The call I just got was from the police station telling me I have to go there tomorrow to identify the corpse. That's something, isn't? I knew he was the kind of bastard that never had a chance in hell of dying a natural death, but I never thought the bastard would end up being chopped up in tiny pieces and stuffed in some guy's freezer! That's unbelievable, right! Hahaha!" Seeing that man's pale and frozen form looking his way, Tang Hong then added, You probably think I'm ruthless, right? My uncle died, yet here I am happy as heck about it, yeah? But if you knew how that bastard had treated my mother and me back then you would understand exactly how I feel. He was the one who pushed my mom to death."

The older man nodded at Tang Hong's words, his gentle eyes exposing at trace of shyness probably on account of having being comforted by someone much younger than himself. Tang Hong then felt his heart thump, suddenly finding that man quite moving. The image of that man writhing painfully under Wu Chao earlier that day invaded his mind, and for a moment, his thoughts ran wild. Are you kidding me! He almost couldn't control his urge to touch that man's pale skin. The mysterious body of a man with both sexes... It's possible to understand why so many men revere this same-sexed body.

The man soon spread his eyes wide, his breaths still exhaled in uneven pants as his gaze then focused on Tang Hong, which at first had given him a start. But afterwards, slowly, his focused yes on the young man became dazed.

The next day, Tang Hong, with a head full of worry and hesitation, made his way to his group's headquarters located at the bustling heart of the Nan'an district.

Ring, ring, ring... While the two were at a stalemate, and Tang Hong was looking at that man with suspicion, the phone suddenly rang.

But... how could anyone take advantage of someone in such a dire situation?

But... how could anyone take advantage of someone in such a dire situation?

But... could the persons involved, truly ever forget? Then...

"...are you... related to Tang Lei?"

Cursing himself, Tang Hong repressed his heat rising within him. "Let's get back to sleep!" But that man only stared at him intently, a strange and doubtful look clear in his eyes.

After Tang Hong had left, Yu Yanzhang felt dizzy and had fallen back asleep.

"...are you... related to Tang Lei?"

But once that man heard Tang Hong's words, his face froze. The sudden heart-wrenching change in the atmosphere between them made Tang Hong feel as though all the blood had drained from his body. He immediately regretted his words and understood that not everyone in the world was as open-minded as he was.

"You— You know my mother?"

"G-Group L-Leader... Y-you want to find Yu Jiang! S-seriously! Could it really be my Group Leader!"

Overcome by shock, Tang Hong stared at the strange man before him! But that man's face had also gone ghostly white in an instant, while his lips almost seemed to blue as they quivered! "W-w-w-what? —Tang Lei...T-Tang L-Lei is your m-m-mother?"

"What... what is our relationship..." The man mumbled while in a trance. In that man's mind, past memories from many years long gone were rekindled. Those were days where his world was seemingly a happy one, a peaceful one. In truth, life was like this for most living things, the world was one where all the evil and absurd things happening in every moment, in every second, were all unknown. In the grand scheme of things, time in this world of mortals would always crush such past memories into dust, and after many years, there would be no one to ever remember them again.

With his voice shaking, that man's eyes were glued to Tang Hong. From the weak and dazed look on his face, Tang Hong thought the guy was about to faint! So without thinking, he reached out with the intention of holding that man's ever trembling body, but that man with the trembling lips unconsciously avoided his hands.

About that man with the intriguing body...

As a result of his actions, the man's stiffened face softened, but the expression he used while looking at Tang Hong still held a bit of hesitance. "What's the matter? Is there something you'd like to say?" Tang Hong asked while the man looked at him with uncertainty for a long time before he finally spoke. "I-I was wondering if you can help me find someone."


"Are you—are you r-really Tang Lei's son?" The man then added, "But last night, didn't you tell me you had an older sister... That's impossible! Xiao Lei never gave birth to a daughter!"

He had no idea how long he had been out for, and it took effort for him to open his eyes. I've been feeling sleepier and sleepier lately, is it because of this pregnant body? His head was a blank, and when he opened his eyes he saw a note stuck to the pillow.

"Oh! That's because my I was adopted by another family since my mom passed away when I was young. So that sister I told you about was that family's daughter. She and I aren't related by blood, but—" Tang Hong then fixed his eyes on that man, his entire body no on alert unable to again relax! "But I need you to tell me why you know my mother, and why you seem to be really close to her! You're even calling her 'Xiao Lei'... what is the relationship between you and my mom?"

"If they want to meet me, don't they know to call my assistant to schedule an appointment? Why send you here to tell me in person, are they mute? Or do they think I have so much time to waste here that I even have eough to listen to your foolishness?"

"What... what is our relationship..." The man mumbled while in a trance. In that man's mind, past memories from many years long gone were rekindled. Those were days where his world was seemingly a happy one, a peaceful one. In truth, life was like this for most living things, the world was one where all the evil and absurd things happening in every moment, in every second, were all unknown. In the grand scheme of things, time in this world of mortals would always crush such past memories into dust, and after many years, there would be no one to ever remember them again.

Cold sweats enveloped Tang Hong, and from the corner of his eye he could see the group leader slowly approach him. Is he going to kick me down from the twenty-fifth floor? ...Boss, for the sake of the brotherhood between us for being in the same group, please be gentle... Tang Hong was also aware Yu Jiang had went to Japan for the specific purpose of receiving training.

Tang Hong laughed in response, "Yes, he is! The call I just got was from the police station telling me I have to go there tomorrow to identify the corpse. That's something, isn't? I knew he was the kind of bastard that never had a chance in hell of dying a natural death, but I never thought the bastard would end up being chopped up in tiny pieces and stuffed in some guy's freezer! That's unbelievable, right! Hahaha!" Seeing that man's pale and frozen form looking his way, Tang Hong then added, You probably think I'm ruthless, right? My uncle died, yet here I am happy as heck about it, yeah? But if you knew how that bastard had treated my mother and me back then you would understand exactly how I feel. He was the one who pushed my mom to death."

But... how could anyone take advantage of someone in such a dire situation?

But... could the persons involved, truly ever forget? Then...

Right as he was still in his thoughts, he heard the melodious voice of a woman coming from beyond the doors of the reception area, it was as sweet syrup. He had no idea who she was talking to, but it must've obviously been to a high-ranking member of the group. This made Tang Hong jealous to death. What snobby woman! When it comes to me, I get treated like a low-level clerk and that voice turns colder than ice real quick! But Tang Hong's ears soon perked up at that endlessly chattering voice seemed to have mentioned the to words of his name. Could she be talking to the group leader?

The truth was, Tang Hong was indeed just a low level office clerk and member of the group, so aside from when he was running errands, he never usually had the chance to run into someone as high up as Yu Jiang. Tang Hong thought bitterly that there was no way he could lift his head under the pressure this young group leader of theirs was emitting, so all he could do was stand askew while mumbling, "There's someone who would like to meet you, Group Leader."

"G-Group L-Leader... Y-you want to find Yu Jiang! S-seriously! Could it really be my Group Leader!"

...those events that happened twenty years ago...

But... could the persons involved, truly ever forget? Then...

Ring, ring, ring... While the two were at a stalemate, and Tang Hong was looking at that man with suspicion, the phone suddenly rang.

What's more, even though Tang Hong didn't really know the man beside him, he could already guess that the man had come from a descent family, but due to the secret of his body, he was forced under by someone of the same sеx and had gotten impregnated as a result. So even though he was lucky to have escaped, because of his condition, he couldn't return to his home and was left with no choice but to wander the streets. After going through something like that, how could he ask him to open up like that?

Leaving to answer the call, Tang Hong's face grew darker by the second. "Mmhm, yeah, okay. I understand!" After hanging up, he made his way back to the bedside without saying a word. Then in reaction to his silence, that man warm body leaned closer to him and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

With his voice shaking, that man's eyes were glued to Tang Hong. From the weak and dazed look on his face, Tang Hong thought the guy was about to faint! So without thinking, he reached out with the intention of holding that man's ever trembling body, but that man with the trembling lips unconsciously avoided his hands.

Tang Hong put on the pyjamas resting on the bed, his mood seeming good enough for him to pull out a cigarette and light it before responding with a chuckle, "No, it's nothing, just that my mom's brother is dead."

Liu Wei's blood soaked body... Tang Sen's grinning head in the refrigerator... Their hideous smiling faces as the taunted "Yanzhang, you'll never escape! You're never be able to escape our grasp!"

He couldn't be sure of it, but he could've sworn the man beside him shook at his words before the man went on to ask in shock, "Y-your... mom's b-brother... is d-dead?"

"Pushed her to her death?" The man asked him with an unsteady voice.

Tang Hong laughed in response, "Yes, he is! The call I just got was from the police station telling me I have to go there tomorrow to identify the corpse. That's something, isn't? I knew he was the kind of bastard that never had a chance in hell of dying a natural death, but I never thought the bastard would end up being chopped up in tiny pieces and stuffed in some guy's freezer! That's unbelievable, right! Hahaha!" Seeing that man's pale and frozen form looking his way, Tang Hong then added, You probably think I'm ruthless, right? My uncle died, yet here I am happy as heck about it, yeah? But if you knew how that bastard had treated my mother and me back then you would understand exactly how I feel. He was the one who pushed my mom to death."

"Ngh... Mmph..." Because of Yu Jiang's fierce, deep kiss and tight embrace, Yu Yanzhang felt as though he would suffocate, and so tried force his mouth open to breathe. His act allowed the mix of cigarette smoke and Yu Jiang's own scent to immediately flood his mouth, along with Yu Jiang's own tongue. Yu Jiang greedily bit Yu Yanzhang's lips repeatedly, the invasion of his maddened kiss was so heated it almost made Yu Yanzhang faint. What's more, he felt as though all the bones would be crushed on account of how firmly Yu Jang had held him, but all he could do was weakly try to push his son away to no avail.

"Are you—are you r-really Tang Lei's son?" The man then added, "But last night, didn't you tell me you had an older sister... That's impossible! Xiao Lei never gave birth to a daughter!"

Right as he was still in his thoughts, he heard the melodious voice of a woman coming from beyond the doors of the reception area, it was as sweet syrup. He had no idea who she was talking to, but it must've obviously been to a high-ranking member of the group. This made Tang Hong jealous to death. What snobby woman! When it comes to me, I get treated like a low-level clerk and that voice turns colder than ice real quick! But Tang Hong's ears soon perked up at that endlessly chattering voice seemed to have mentioned the to words of his name. Could she be talking to the group leader?

"Pushed her to her death?" The man asked him with an unsteady voice.


Tang Hong had kept his focus on that man's expression the entire time. At first, it seemed that man wanted to say the name Meng-something, but for some reason he just stopped and changed it! But upon hearing the two words "Yu Jiang" Tang Hong's eyes widened in shock and he almost launched off the bed. The blanket had even fallen off his body!

"...are you... related to Tang Lei?"

To which Tang Hong replied, "Yes. You knew my mom, right? You didn't want to tell me what what the relationship between you and my mom was, so forget that. My mom was the kind of person who was naturally friendly so there are a lot of people who knew her. Anyhow, she and that uncle were twins, but for some reason, for as far back as I can remember, I never sensed normal brother-sister relationship between them. In fact, they seemed more like arch enemies!"

"Ah... Boss, you ran up too fast!" They had both gotten out from the car together, but his group leader practically flew out the car and left Tang Hong behind. So after the abandoned and sweaty Tang Hong made his way in, he stood at the open door with eyes spread wide. T-t-t-that's...

The lamp in the room was long turned off, but despite it, the silvery light from the moon shone upon that bed through the window.

"Oh! That's because my I was adopted by another family since my mom passed away when I was young. So that sister I told you about was that family's daughter. She and I aren't related by blood, but—" Tang Hong then fixed his eyes on that man, his entire body no on alert unable to again relax! "But I need you to tell me why you know my mother, and why you seem to be really close to her! You're even calling her 'Xiao Lei'... what is the relationship between you and my mom?"

"Arch enemies?"

Tang Hong laughed in response, "Yes, he is! The call I just got was from the police station telling me I have to go there tomorrow to identify the corpse. That's something, isn't? I knew he was the kind of bastard that never had a chance in hell of dying a natural death, but I never thought the bastard would end up being chopped up in tiny pieces and stuffed in some guy's freezer! That's unbelievable, right! Hahaha!" Seeing that man's pale and frozen form looking his way, Tang Hong then added, You probably think I'm ruthless, right? My uncle died, yet here I am happy as heck about it, yeah? But if you knew how that bastard had treated my mother and me back then you would understand exactly how I feel. He was the one who pushed my mom to death."

"Oh... so it's like that." The colour in the man's lips seemed to have recovered slightly upon hearing this, and at the same time, Tang Hong again noticed he had said too much, and laughed, "Would you look at that, I went babbling on too much again! So, are you willing to tell me a little bit about your situation now? You heard the sordid details of my family, but you refuse to tell me anything about yourself. Isn't that too unfair?!"

"Pushed her to her death?" The man asked him with an unsteady voice.

Tang Hong: "Yep. It might be an inappropriate word to use, but that was what the relationship between them felt like. They looked like arch enemies and they both hated the other. But I never knew why that was. I asked my mom why, but she never told me. I honestly couldn't figure it out at all! What was even stranger, is that some time before my mom passed away, I had come back from school a little bit earlier and overheard them talking. I heard my uncle say to my mom, 'Tang Lei, I've always seen you as my sister. It was you who chose to make yourself my rival, so don't you dare blame me for this now!' What I heard had left me so shocked that I accidentally pushed the door open which made them see I had come back home so then stopped talking. A few days later, my mom died. My uncle said he and my mom were rivals in love, so wouldn't that mean that my mom stole his lover? But... he and my mom are brother and sister, so how could they like the same person? Could it be that one of them was gay? I really can't figure out what the truth about all this is..."

...those events that happened twenty years ago...

As Tang Hong spoke, he got more and more immersed in his in his suspicions, so much so, that only after catching himself did he realise he had given out a long stream of thoughts without knowing it.

Ring, ring, ring... While the two were at a stalemate, and Tang Hong was looking at that man with suspicion, the phone suddenly rang.

As Tang Hong said those words, a gentle smile spread across his face. To that man, this younger man before him, who was already long grown, had reminded him of his gentle JiejieT/n: Jie/Jiejie is used for one's older sister or any older female that is around sibling age. for some reason.

"Are you—are you r-really Tang Lei's son?" The man then added, "But last night, didn't you tell me you had an older sister... That's impossible! Xiao Lei never gave birth to a daughter!"

He was a bit taken aback. Never in his life had he told anyone about his family's secret affairs! How could that man have made him feel so at ease that he would actually say all those things accidentally? Looking at that man, who listened to him with bright eyes, he saw that the man's face, despite still being quite pale, no longer had the frailty it possessed the day prior as he then calmly asked, "Did you mom say anything to you before she died?"

Overcome by shock, Tang Hong stared at the strange man before him! But that man's face had also gone ghostly white in an instant, while his lips almost seemed to blue as they quivered! "W-w-w-what? —Tang Lei...T-Tang L-Lei is your m-m-mother?"

"Um... yeah, she did! How did you know?" Tang Hong looked at that man curiously as he replied, "My mom told me to go find my dad, and she told me his name was... Yu Yanzhang. She also told me to give everything she left behind to him."

"Where is he?"

Tang Hong was sure that he was not seeing things wrong. That young group leader that was revered like a god by his brothers in that group was indeed fiercely kissing that man he found—there was no mistaking it. But... not only was he holding him tightly, hat kiss was full of passion. Oh my god! He was definitely deserving of the group leader role! Is that how you kiss people? Is it supposed to be like your trying to eat them?! What's more, Tang Hong also realise a fact... Allowing the Group Leader to keep kissing like that would definitely result in a death!

Tiny note: Sichuan Opera face changing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1IVyo7Txus []iana: Tang Hong seems to take after Yanzhang 😅 Anyhow, updates are going to be sporadic for this month:(

The instant Tang Hong had said that name, the man beside him, from head to toe, began shaking greatly. But Tang Hong didn't notice this at all, only focused on his own words. "But all I got was a name. I didn't get any other information, so where was I supposed to go find him? There's so many people in this country, and the amount of them with this same name is far from small. So was I supposed to go calling any man named Yu Yanzhang dad?"

Before he could finish his thought, the door to the reception room opened and the lofty figure of a handsome youth, bearing a ferocious demeanour, that belonged to Group Leader Yu Jiang had walked in, while his beaming assistant trailed behind him. Are these blasted women self-taught in the art of Sichuan Opera face-changing!

"Does that mean you never found him?"

Last night, since he practically spent the entire night sleepless, Tang Hong sported a pair of very noticeable pair of panda eyes that morning. They were so prominent, it led to couple of the guys jokingly asking if he spent the entire night on the prowl as he walked through the long hallway, but he wasn't in the mood to answer and just hurried along to the elevator to get to the president's office on the twenty-fifth floor.

Tang Hong nodded. "Mmhm. After my mom died, my sister and her family had taken me in right away. I had a roof over my head and three square meals a day, so what reason did I have to go find that irresponsible man? He never came to find us anyhow."

The man bit his lips, seeming as though he was racking his brains thinking about something given the worried expression showing between his brows. Tang Hong stared at that man's ever changing expressions in amazement, until those lips of his finally parted to speak. "Meng..." But after that word, the man suddenly stopped. Afterwards, he again worked up the nerve to say determinedly, "I would like you to help me find a boy named Yu Jiang!"

"I-it... seems like you hate your dad." The man forced out a smile as he looked at Tang Hong, and without knowing why, Tang Hong felt that, despite the man's face seeming a bit flushed, his lips had lost all their colour. But he paid it no mind and went on to reply cheerfully, "I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate the man. I think he probably had his own troubles that made him leave my mom and I back then. I'm sure evil intent wasn't the reason he would abandon a mother-son pair like us, because I could at least see that my mom had never hated him."


As Tang Hong said those words, a gentle smile spread across his face. To that man, this younger man before him, who was already long grown, had reminded him of his gentle JiejieT/n: Jie/Jiejie is used for one's older sister or any older female that is around sibling age. for some reason.

"If they want to meet me, don't they know to call my assistant to schedule an appointment? Why send you here to tell me in person, are they mute? Or do they think I have so much time to waste here that I even have eough to listen to your foolishness?"

"Oh... so it's like that." The colour in the man's lips seemed to have recovered slightly upon hearing this, and at the same time, Tang Hong again noticed he had said too much, and laughed, "Would you look at that, I went babbling on too much again! So, are you willing to tell me a little bit about your situation now? You heard the sordid details of my family, but you refuse to tell me anything about yourself. Isn't that too unfair?!"

Leaving to answer the call, Tang Hong's face grew darker by the second. "Mmhm, yeah, okay. I understand!" After hanging up, he made his way back to the bedside without saying a word. Then in reaction to his silence, that man warm body leaned closer to him and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

He was a bit taken aback. Never in his life had he told anyone about his family's secret affairs! How could that man have made him feel so at ease that he would actually say all those things accidentally? Looking at that man, who listened to him with bright eyes, he saw that the man's face, despite still being quite pale, no longer had the frailty it possessed the day prior as he then calmly asked, "Did you mom say anything to you before she died?"

Tang Hong: "Yep. It might be an inappropriate word to use, but that was what the relationship between them felt like. They looked like arch enemies and they both hated the other. But I never knew why that was. I asked my mom why, but she never told me. I honestly couldn't figure it out at all! What was even stranger, is that some time before my mom passed away, I had come back from school a little bit earlier and overheard them talking. I heard my uncle say to my mom, 'Tang Lei, I've always seen you as my sister. It was you who chose to make yourself my rival, so don't you dare blame me for this now!' What I heard had left me so shocked that I accidentally pushed the door open which made them see I had come back home so then stopped talking. A few days later, my mom died. My uncle said he and my mom were rivals in love, so wouldn't that mean that my mom stole his lover? But... he and my mom are brother and sister, so how could they like the same person? Could it be that one of them was gay? I really can't figure out what the truth about all this is..."

The way he acted seemed a bit shameless, but Tang Hong didn't care about that at the moment because he really wanted to know more about that strange man!"

Cursing himself, Tang Hong repressed his heat rising within him. "Let's get back to sleep!" But that man only stared at him intently, a strange and doubtful look clear in his eyes.

"Ah... Boss, you ran up too fast!" They had both gotten out from the car together, but his group leader practically flew out the car and left Tang Hong behind. So after the abandoned and sweaty Tang Hong made his way in, he stood at the open door with eyes spread wide. T-t-t-that's...

The man soon spread his eyes wide, his breaths still exhaled in uneven pants as his gaze then focused on Tang Hong, which at first had given him a start. But afterwards, slowly, his focused yes on the young man became dazed.

About that man with the intriguing body...

When Tang Hong thought about it like that, he really started to sweat and blamed himself for so shameless. He then pretended as though nothing was wrong when he patted that man on the shoulder, then further pretended he had already forgotten what he had just asked as he yawned and said, "Oh look at that, it's already one o'clock! We should get to bed, yeah?"

Tang Hong was sure that he was not seeing things wrong. That young group leader that was revered like a god by his brothers in that group was indeed fiercely kissing that man he found—there was no mistaking it. But... not only was he holding him tightly, hat kiss was full of passion. Oh my god! He was definitely deserving of the group leader role! Is that how you kiss people? Is it supposed to be like your trying to eat them?! What's more, Tang Hong also realise a fact... Allowing the Group Leader to keep kissing like that would definitely result in a death!

The way he acted seemed a bit shameless, but Tang Hong didn't care about that at the moment because he really wanted to know more about that strange man!"

But once that man heard Tang Hong's words, his face froze. The sudden heart-wrenching change in the atmosphere between them made Tang Hong feel as though all the blood had drained from his body. He immediately regretted his words and understood that not everyone in the world was as open-minded as he was.

Tang Hong nodded. "Mmhm. After my mom died, my sister and her family had taken me in right away. I had a roof over my head and three square meals a day, so what reason did I have to go find that irresponsible man? He never came to find us anyhow."

The instant Tang Hong had said that name, the man beside him, from head to toe, began shaking greatly. But Tang Hong didn't notice this at all, only focused on his own words. "But all I got was a name. I didn't get any other information, so where was I supposed to go find him? There's so many people in this country, and the amount of them with this same name is far from small. So was I supposed to go calling any man named Yu Yanzhang dad?"

Tang Hong put on the pyjamas resting on the bed, his mood seeming good enough for him to pull out a cigarette and light it before responding with a chuckle, "No, it's nothing, just that my mom's brother is dead."

What's more, even though Tang Hong didn't really know the man beside him, he could already guess that the man had come from a descent family, but due to the secret of his body, he was forced under by someone of the same sеx and had gotten impregnated as a result. So even though he was lucky to have escaped, because of his condition, he couldn't return to his home and was left with no choice but to wander the streets. After going through something like that, how could he ask him to open up like that?

The truth was, Tang Hong was indeed just a low level office clerk and member of the group, so aside from when he was running errands, he never usually had the chance to run into someone as high up as Yu Jiang. Tang Hong thought bitterly that there was no way he could lift his head under the pressure this young group leader of theirs was emitting, so all he could do was stand askew while mumbling, "There's someone who would like to meet you, Group Leader."

When Tang Hong thought about it like that, he really started to sweat and blamed himself for so shameless. He then pretended as though nothing was wrong when he patted that man on the shoulder, then further pretended he had already forgotten what he had just asked as he yawned and said, "Oh look at that, it's already one o'clock! We should get to bed, yeah?"

Tang Hong put on the pyjamas resting on the bed, his mood seeming good enough for him to pull out a cigarette and light it before responding with a chuckle, "No, it's nothing, just that my mom's brother is dead."

As a result of his actions, the man's stiffened face softened, but the expression he used while looking at Tang Hong still held a bit of hesitance. "What's the matter? Is there something you'd like to say?" Tang Hong asked while the man looked at him with uncertainty for a long time before he finally spoke. "I-I was wondering if you can help me find someone."

"Um... yeah, she did! How did you know?" Tang Hong looked at that man curiously as he replied, "My mom told me to go find my dad, and she told me his name was... Yu Yanzhang. She also told me to give everything she left behind to him."

He was a bit taken aback. Never in his life had he told anyone about his family's secret affairs! How could that man have made him feel so at ease that he would actually say all those things accidentally? Looking at that man, who listened to him with bright eyes, he saw that the man's face, despite still being quite pale, no longer had the frailty it possessed the day prior as he then calmly asked, "Did you mom say anything to you before she died?"

...those events that happened twenty years ago...

"Oh... who?" Tang Hong's interest rose.

That imposing manner of the group leader turned violent, and his glaring eyes sweeping over Tang Hong right before he started to walked away. This made Tang Hong panic, panicked enough to shout out from behind him, "It's a pregnant man who wants to meet you!"

The man bit his lips, seeming as though he was racking his brains thinking about something given the worried expression showing between his brows. Tang Hong stared at that man's ever changing expressions in amazement, until those lips of his finally parted to speak. "Meng..." But after that word, the man suddenly stopped. Afterwards, he again worked up the nerve to say determinedly, "I would like you to help me find a boy named Yu Jiang!"

He was a bit taken aback. Never in his life had he told anyone about his family's secret affairs! How could that man have made him feel so at ease that he would actually say all those things accidentally? Looking at that man, who listened to him with bright eyes, he saw that the man's face, despite still being quite pale, no longer had the frailty it possessed the day prior as he then calmly asked, "Did you mom say anything to you before she died?"

He couldn't be sure of it, but he could've sworn the man beside him shook at his words before the man went on to ask in shock, "Y-your... mom's b-brother... is d-dead?"

As Tang Hong spoke, he got more and more immersed in his in his suspicions, so much so, that only after catching himself did he realise he had given out a long stream of thoughts without knowing it.

Tang Hong had kept his focus on that man's expression the entire time. At first, it seemed that man wanted to say the name Meng-something, but for some reason he just stopped and changed it! But upon hearing the two words "Yu Jiang" Tang Hong's eyes widened in shock and he almost launched off the bed. The blanket had even fallen off his body!

As a result of his actions, the man's stiffened face softened, but the expression he used while looking at Tang Hong still held a bit of hesitance. "What's the matter? Is there something you'd like to say?" Tang Hong asked while the man looked at him with uncertainty for a long time before he finally spoke. "I-I was wondering if you can help me find someone."

"G-Group L-Leader... Y-you want to find Yu Jiang! S-seriously! Could it really be my Group Leader!"

"Oh! That's because my I was adopted by another family since my mom passed away when I was young. So that sister I told you about was that family's daughter. She and I aren't related by blood, but—" Tang Hong then fixed his eyes on that man, his entire body no on alert unable to again relax! "But I need you to tell me why you know my mother, and why you seem to be really close to her! You're even calling her 'Xiao Lei'... what is the relationship between you and my mom?"

The next day, Tang Hong, with a head full of worry and hesitation, made his way to his group's headquarters located at the bustling heart of the Nan'an district.

After he had roared them out like that, Tang Hong came to realise just how preposterous his words had sounded. He also knew just how irascible the group leader was! Oh my god! Is he going to think I have nothing better to do than deliberately tell him a bunch of weird stuff?

As Tang Hong said those words, a gentle smile spread across his face. To that man, this younger man before him, who was already long grown, had reminded him of his gentle JiejieT/n: Jie/Jiejie is used for one's older sister or any older female that is around sibling age. for some reason.

Tiny note: Sichuan Opera face changing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1IVyo7Txus []iana: Tang Hong seems to take after Yanzhang 😅 Anyhow, updates are going to be sporadic for this month:(

That building was also the one where a well-known corporation for high-end technology products was located, and their group leader, Yu Jiang, was also one of its owner in that company.

Tang Hong: "Yep. It might be an inappropriate word to use, but that was what the relationship between them felt like. They looked like arch enemies and they both hated the other. But I never knew why that was. I asked my mom why, but she never told me. I honestly couldn't figure it out at all! What was even stranger, is that some time before my mom passed away, I had come back from school a little bit earlier and overheard them talking. I heard my uncle say to my mom, 'Tang Lei, I've always seen you as my sister. It was you who chose to make yourself my rival, so don't you dare blame me for this now!' What I heard had left me so shocked that I accidentally pushed the door open which made them see I had come back home so then stopped talking. A few days later, my mom died. My uncle said he and my mom were rivals in love, so wouldn't that mean that my mom stole his lover? But... he and my mom are brother and sister, so how could they like the same person? Could it be that one of them was gay? I really can't figure out what the truth about all this is..."

Last night, since he practically spent the entire night sleepless, Tang Hong sported a pair of very noticeable pair of panda eyes that morning. They were so prominent, it led to couple of the guys jokingly asking if he spent the entire night on the prowl as he walked through the long hallway, but he wasn't in the mood to answer and just hurried along to the elevator to get to the president's office on the twenty-fifth floor.

"I-it... seems like you hate your dad." The man forced out a smile as he looked at Tang Hong, and without knowing why, Tang Hong felt that, despite the man's face seeming a bit flushed, his lips had lost all their colour. But he paid it no mind and went on to reply cheerfully, "I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate the man. I think he probably had his own troubles that made him leave my mom and I back then. I'm sure evil intent wasn't the reason he would abandon a mother-son pair like us, because I could at least see that my mom had never hated him."

That building was also the one where a well-known corporation for high-end technology products was located, and their group leader, Yu Jiang, was also one of its owner in that company.

"Aah!" Yu Yanzhang screamed while his eyes ripped open, his body was already soaked in sweat. Right then, the door to he apartment was also swung open, and before the startled Yu Yanzhang could lift his head, a person had already burst into the room like a whirlwind.

When he got there, the executive assistant informed him the owners were in a meeting, so he had to wait for a short while. So all Tang Hong could do was sit in the reception room and wait for Yu Jiang to come out of his meeting. Then while he sat, in his head, he went over what he should say to Yu Jiang once they actually met, such as, 'Yesterday, I found a pregnant man and he told me he wanted to see you last night?' Would that work? Or would Boss Yu think I was soft in the head and kick me all the way from the twenty-fifth floor to the ground floor?

The way he acted seemed a bit shameless, but Tang Hong didn't care about that at the moment because he really wanted to know more about that strange man!"

Right as he was still in his thoughts, he heard the melodious voice of a woman coming from beyond the doors of the reception area, it was as sweet syrup. He had no idea who she was talking to, but it must've obviously been to a high-ranking member of the group. This made Tang Hong jealous to death. What snobby woman! When it comes to me, I get treated like a low-level clerk and that voice turns colder than ice real quick! But Tang Hong's ears soon perked up at that endlessly chattering voice seemed to have mentioned the to words of his name. Could she be talking to the group leader?

"...Jiang—" Yu Yanzhang's eyes widened at the sight of that person, but before he could finish saying their name, Yu Jiang had already strode over to him, pulled him into his embrace and sealed his lips in a passionate kiss.

That building was also the one where a well-known corporation for high-end technology products was located, and their group leader, Yu Jiang, was also one of its owner in that company.

Tang Hong nodded. "Mmhm. After my mom died, my sister and her family had taken me in right away. I had a roof over my head and three square meals a day, so what reason did I have to go find that irresponsible man? He never came to find us anyhow."

Before he could finish his thought, the door to the reception room opened and the lofty figure of a handsome youth, bearing a ferocious demeanour, that belonged to Group Leader Yu Jiang had walked in, while his beaming assistant trailed behind him. Are these blasted women self-taught in the art of Sichuan Opera face-changing!

He couldn't be sure of it, but he could've sworn the man beside him shook at his words before the man went on to ask in shock, "Y-your... mom's b-brother... is d-dead?"

"You wanted to see me? What happened?" The Group Leader asked coldly while looking down on him with such an imposing glare it gave one a fright!


"...are you... related to Tang Lei?"

Tiny note: Sichuan Opera face changing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1IVyo7Txus []iana: Tang Hong seems to take after Yanzhang 😅 Anyhow, updates are going to be sporadic for this month:(

The truth was, Tang Hong was indeed just a low level office clerk and member of the group, so aside from when he was running errands, he never usually had the chance to run into someone as high up as Yu Jiang. Tang Hong thought bitterly that there was no way he could lift his head under the pressure this young group leader of theirs was emitting, so all he could do was stand askew while mumbling, "There's someone who would like to meet you, Group Leader."

Smash! The crisp sound of shattering glass sounded, as the assistant who was carrying a cup of hot cocoa for Yu Jiang became petrified at Tang Hong's words. So that poor cup of cocoa had obviously become a sacrifice.

"If they want to meet me, don't they know to call my assistant to schedule an appointment? Why send you here to tell me in person, are they mute? Or do they think I have so much time to waste here that I even have eough to listen to your foolishness?"

"Arch enemies?"

That imposing manner of the group leader turned violent, and his glaring eyes sweeping over Tang Hong right before he started to walked away. This made Tang Hong panic, panicked enough to shout out from behind him, "It's a pregnant man who wants to meet you!"

The next day, Tang Hong, with a head full of worry and hesitation, made his way to his group's headquarters located at the bustling heart of the Nan'an district.

Smash! The crisp sound of shattering glass sounded, as the assistant who was carrying a cup of hot cocoa for Yu Jiang became petrified at Tang Hong's words. So that poor cup of cocoa had obviously become a sacrifice.

The instant Tang Hong had said that name, the man beside him, from head to toe, began shaking greatly. But Tang Hong didn't notice this at all, only focused on his own words. "But all I got was a name. I didn't get any other information, so where was I supposed to go find him? There's so many people in this country, and the amount of them with this same name is far from small. So was I supposed to go calling any man named Yu Yanzhang dad?"

After he had roared them out like that, Tang Hong came to realise just how preposterous his words had sounded. He also knew just how irascible the group leader was! Oh my god! Is he going to think I have nothing better to do than deliberately tell him a bunch of weird stuff?

Tang Hong had kept his focus on that man's expression the entire time. At first, it seemed that man wanted to say the name Meng-something, but for some reason he just stopped and changed it! But upon hearing the two words "Yu Jiang" Tang Hong's eyes widened in shock and he almost launched off the bed. The blanket had even fallen off his body!

Ack! The group leader didn't kick me! And hearing that trembling voice repressing countless pain along with excitement as he questioned him, Tang Hong lifted is head to meet Yu Jiang's deep, beautiful eyes which seemed as though they were set ablaze. The surging waves within those dark pools of his could be easily seen at a glance! His chest also heaving as he excitedly asked, "Where is he—where is that person!"

What's more, even though Tang Hong didn't really know the man beside him, he could already guess that the man had come from a descent family, but due to the secret of his body, he was forced under by someone of the same sеx and had gotten impregnated as a result. So even though he was lucky to have escaped, because of his condition, he couldn't return to his home and was left with no choice but to wander the streets. After going through something like that, how could he ask him to open up like that?

Cold sweats enveloped Tang Hong, and from the corner of his eye he could see the group leader slowly approach him. Is he going to kick me down from the twenty-fifth floor? ...Boss, for the sake of the brotherhood between us for being in the same group, please be gentle... Tang Hong was also aware Yu Jiang had went to Japan for the specific purpose of receiving training.

"Aah!" Yu Yanzhang screamed while his eyes ripped open, his body was already soaked in sweat. Right then, the door to he apartment was also swung open, and before the startled Yu Yanzhang could lift his head, a person had already burst into the room like a whirlwind.

"Where is he?"

In the middle of the night, Tang Hong was jolted from sleep by the screams of the person beside him, giving him a start. Then upon noticing the man in his arms struggling painfully, his muddled mind soon vaguely remembered what that man had been through earlier that day.

Leaving to answer the call, Tang Hong's face grew darker by the second. "Mmhm, yeah, okay. I understand!" After hanging up, he made his way back to the bedside without saying a word. Then in reaction to his silence, that man warm body leaned closer to him and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

Cursing himself, Tang Hong repressed his heat rising within him. "Let's get back to sleep!" But that man only stared at him intently, a strange and doubtful look clear in his eyes.

Ack! The group leader didn't kick me! And hearing that trembling voice repressing countless pain along with excitement as he questioned him, Tang Hong lifted is head to meet Yu Jiang's deep, beautiful eyes which seemed as though they were set ablaze. The surging waves within those dark pools of his could be easily seen at a glance! His chest also heaving as he excitedly asked, "Where is he—where is that person!"

"A! A!" Gently patting that man's pale and sweat covered face, Tang Hong lifted him into his arms. He couldn't imagine what kind of horrid nightmare that man was having to have made him react in such a way.

"Uh? ...uhh?" Tang Hong was left stupefied until he then heard Yu Jiang roar, "You want me to kick your αss all the way down to the ground floor, you bastard! I'm asking you where the hell is he!"

Ack! The group leader didn't kick me! And hearing that trembling voice repressing countless pain along with excitement as he questioned him, Tang Hong lifted is head to meet Yu Jiang's deep, beautiful eyes which seemed as though they were set ablaze. The surging waves within those dark pools of his could be easily seen at a glance! His chest also heaving as he excitedly asked, "Where is he—where is that person!"

Cold sweats enveloped Tang Hong, and from the corner of his eye he could see the group leader slowly approach him. Is he going to kick me down from the twenty-fifth floor? ...Boss, for the sake of the brotherhood between us for being in the same group, please be gentle... Tang Hong was also aware Yu Jiang had went to Japan for the specific purpose of receiving training.

Smash! The crisp sound of shattering glass sounded, as the assistant who was carrying a cup of hot cocoa for Yu Jiang became petrified at Tang Hong's words. So that poor cup of cocoa had obviously become a sacrifice.


After Tang Hong had left, Yu Yanzhang felt dizzy and had fallen back asleep.

"Oh... so it's like that." The colour in the man's lips seemed to have recovered slightly upon hearing this, and at the same time, Tang Hong again noticed he had said too much, and laughed, "Would you look at that, I went babbling on too much again! So, are you willing to tell me a little bit about your situation now? You heard the sordid details of my family, but you refuse to tell me anything about yourself. Isn't that too unfair?!"

To which Tang Hong replied, "Yes. You knew my mom, right? You didn't want to tell me what what the relationship between you and my mom was, so forget that. My mom was the kind of person who was naturally friendly so there are a lot of people who knew her. Anyhow, she and that uncle were twins, but for some reason, for as far back as I can remember, I never sensed normal brother-sister relationship between them. In fact, they seemed more like arch enemies!"

The truth was, Tang Hong was indeed just a low level office clerk and member of the group, so aside from when he was running errands, he never usually had the chance to run into someone as high up as Yu Jiang. Tang Hong thought bitterly that there was no way he could lift his head under the pressure this young group leader of theirs was emitting, so all he could do was stand askew while mumbling, "There's someone who would like to meet you, Group Leader."

He had no idea how long he had been out for, and it took effort for him to open his eyes. I've been feeling sleepier and sleepier lately, is it because of this pregnant body? His head was a blank, and when he opened his eyes he saw a note stuck to the pillow.

"It's alright now. Did you have a bad dream? ...Did you remember something bad? Don't worry, everything is fine now. You're here with me now, and it's very safe. So relax, okay?"

"A, I made some meat and pearl barley soup along with some rice. So after you get up, just eat them, okay? Your body's not well, so you have to make sure you eat all of it, alright? —Tang Hong."

The lamp in the room was long turned off, but despite it, the silvery light from the moon shone upon that bed through the window.

"Aah!" Yu Yanzhang screamed while his eyes ripped open, his body was already soaked in sweat. Right then, the door to he apartment was also swung open, and before the startled Yu Yanzhang could lift his head, a person had already burst into the room like a whirlwind.

That building was also the one where a well-known corporation for high-end technology products was located, and their group leader, Yu Jiang, was also one of its owner in that company.

The letters are all leant, just like Yu Jiang's. Looks like neither of those brothers were the studious type. Yu Yanzhang clutched the note to his chest, a burst of warmth immediately flooding through him. Tang Hong... I never thought I would ever meet the other son Xiao Lei had taken away, but there was pain projecting through those dark eyes like a needle... If he knew that I—a man impregnated by someone of the same sеx, a man who was violated right in front of him, was actually h-his... his father... t-then... what would he think of me? Would he still be so kind to me? ...no, absolutely not! He would definitely despise me and toss me aside. He would definitely yell "I wished you were never my father! All you make me feel is shame!" at me... that was the truth! If it's no different than what Yu Jiang had yelled at him back then when he was younger... what am I going to do? What will I do? I can;t, I can;t ever let him find out who I really am... I can't... Yu Yanzhang closed hos eyes bitterly. This isn't my fault, this isn't my fault... if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would never live such a complicated and humiliating life! But... as soon as Yu Yanzhang closed his eyes, he would remember Liu Wei and Tang Sen...

As Tang Hong said those words, a gentle smile spread across his face. To that man, this younger man before him, who was already long grown, had reminded him of his gentle JiejieT/n: Jie/Jiejie is used for one's older sister or any older female that is around sibling age. for some reason.

Liu Wei's blood soaked body... Tang Sen's grinning head in the refrigerator... Their hideous smiling faces as the taunted "Yanzhang, you'll never escape! You're never be able to escape our grasp!"

The older man nodded at Tang Hong's words, his gentle eyes exposing at trace of shyness probably on account of having being comforted by someone much younger than himself. Tang Hong then felt his heart thump, suddenly finding that man quite moving. The image of that man writhing painfully under Wu Chao earlier that day invaded his mind, and for a moment, his thoughts ran wild. Are you kidding me! He almost couldn't control his urge to touch that man's pale skin. The mysterious body of a man with both sexes... It's possible to understand why so many men revere this same-sexed body.

"Aah!" Yu Yanzhang screamed while his eyes ripped open, his body was already soaked in sweat. Right then, the door to he apartment was also swung open, and before the startled Yu Yanzhang could lift his head, a person had already burst into the room like a whirlwind.

"...are you... related to Tang Lei?"

After Tang Hong had left, Yu Yanzhang felt dizzy and had fallen back asleep.

The letters are all leant, just like Yu Jiang's. Looks like neither of those brothers were the studious type. Yu Yanzhang clutched the note to his chest, a burst of warmth immediately flooding through him. Tang Hong... I never thought I would ever meet the other son Xiao Lei had taken away, but there was pain projecting through those dark eyes like a needle... If he knew that I—a man impregnated by someone of the same sеx, a man who was violated right in front of him, was actually h-his... his father... t-then... what would he think of me? Would he still be so kind to me? ...no, absolutely not! He would definitely despise me and toss me aside. He would definitely yell "I wished you were never my father! All you make me feel is shame!" at me... that was the truth! If it's no different than what Yu Jiang had yelled at him back then when he was younger... what am I going to do? What will I do? I can;t, I can;t ever let him find out who I really am... I can't... Yu Yanzhang closed hos eyes bitterly. This isn't my fault, this isn't my fault... if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would never live such a complicated and humiliating life! But... as soon as Yu Yanzhang closed his eyes, he would remember Liu Wei and Tang Sen...

"...Jiang—" Yu Yanzhang's eyes widened at the sight of that person, but before he could finish saying their name, Yu Jiang had already strode over to him, pulled him into his embrace and sealed his lips in a passionate kiss.

To which Tang Hong replied, "Yes. You knew my mom, right? You didn't want to tell me what what the relationship between you and my mom was, so forget that. My mom was the kind of person who was naturally friendly so there are a lot of people who knew her. Anyhow, she and that uncle were twins, but for some reason, for as far back as I can remember, I never sensed normal brother-sister relationship between them. In fact, they seemed more like arch enemies!"

"Ngh... Mmph..." Because of Yu Jiang's fierce, deep kiss and tight embrace, Yu Yanzhang felt as though he would suffocate, and so tried force his mouth open to breathe. His act allowed the mix of cigarette smoke and Yu Jiang's own scent to immediately flood his mouth, along with Yu Jiang's own tongue. Yu Jiang greedily bit Yu Yanzhang's lips repeatedly, the invasion of his maddened kiss was so heated it almost made Yu Yanzhang faint. What's more, he felt as though all the bones would be crushed on account of how firmly Yu Jang had held him, but all he could do was weakly try to push his son away to no avail.

As Tang Hong spoke, he got more and more immersed in his in his suspicions, so much so, that only after catching himself did he realise he had given out a long stream of thoughts without knowing it.

"Ah... Boss, you ran up too fast!" They had both gotten out from the car together, but his group leader practically flew out the car and left Tang Hong behind. So after the abandoned and sweaty Tang Hong made his way in, he stood at the open door with eyes spread wide. T-t-t-that's...

"You wanted to see me? What happened?" The Group Leader asked coldly while looking down on him with such an imposing glare it gave one a fright!

"Oh... so it's like that." The colour in the man's lips seemed to have recovered slightly upon hearing this, and at the same time, Tang Hong again noticed he had said too much, and laughed, "Would you look at that, I went babbling on too much again! So, are you willing to tell me a little bit about your situation now? You heard the sordid details of my family, but you refuse to tell me anything about yourself. Isn't that too unfair?!"

Leaving to answer the call, Tang Hong's face grew darker by the second. "Mmhm, yeah, okay. I understand!" After hanging up, he made his way back to the bedside without saying a word. Then in reaction to his silence, that man warm body leaned closer to him and asked hesitantly, "Is something wrong?"

Tang Hong was sure that he was not seeing things wrong. That young group leader that was revered like a god by his brothers in that group was indeed fiercely kissing that man he found—there was no mistaking it. But... not only was he holding him tightly, hat kiss was full of passion. Oh my god! He was definitely deserving of the group leader role! Is that how you kiss people? Is it supposed to be like your trying to eat them?! What's more, Tang Hong also realise a fact... Allowing the Group Leader to keep kissing like that would definitely result in a death!

"You— You know my mother?"

"If they want to meet me, don't they know to call my assistant to schedule an appointment? Why send you here to tell me in person, are they mute? Or do they think I have so much time to waste here that I even have eough to listen to your foolishness?"

When he got there, the executive assistant informed him the owners were in a meeting, so he had to wait for a short while. So all Tang Hong could do was sit in the reception room and wait for Yu Jiang to come out of his meeting. Then while he sat, in his head, he went over what he should say to Yu Jiang once they actually met, such as, 'Yesterday, I found a pregnant man and he told me he wanted to see you last night?' Would that work? Or would Boss Yu think I was soft in the head and kick me all the way from the twenty-fifth floor to the ground floor?

Author's Note:



Tiny note: Sichuan Opera face changing

iana: Tang Hong seems to take after Yanzhang 😅 Anyhow, updates are going to be sporadic for this month:(

May update: I'm still alive, the next chapter is coming.


  1. I HOPE THE TL TEAM WON'T GET TIRED TRANSLATING THIS UNTIL THE END (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I'm one of your silent readers~~~ Also Tang Hong is very cute and genuine TT I hope he stays like that

  2. I'm actually have been waiting for Tang Sen's appearance i didn't expect he would be erased in the story this fast lol. AND PLS WHAT'S UP WITH MENG XIAOZHONG I'VE BEEN ANTICIPATING HIS AND YANZHANG'S INTERACTION BCS I THOUGHT HE WOULD HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THIS SJDJSJ Ling Wei is such a psycho man and also i miss baby meng xiao

    1. Meng Xiaozhang definitely plays his part, I could tell you that much.
