Evil Son: C06 - CNT18
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Evil Son: C06

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This novel was posted on cnt18 [dot] blogsp0t [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

Eighteen Years Later

No, that's nothing but my own wishful thinking.

Meng Fei jumped off his bed and took out his utility knife and used a blade to start peeling off the wall. Carefully, he gently scraped away the top layer of plaster to reveal the old wall beneath.

Because on the old greyed wall the only thing there were a few scratched which also said: ...save me.

Meng Fei!

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

It's thin, scratchy... it's like it was scrawled out with someone's nails. '...save me.'

Evil Son: Main Text

It's thin, scratchy... it's like it was scrawled out with someone's nails. '...save me.'

Just as the new students entered university, the fresh and fragrant pollen of a late spring fluttered and floated in the air warmed by the sun.

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

With such a loud and urgent plea he sought confirmation within the yes and expression of his parents, however, what he witnessed was something that could not be concealed. On his father's face, there were traces of discomfort; and within his mother's eyes, there were slivers of guilt.

In the other room beside his, unknowing of what obscene jokes were being told, the rambunctious laughter of several boys erupted. It seemed as though one of the beds of of those boys was adjacent to Meng Fei's through the wall, because when he laughed, he laughed so madly it felt as though he was striking the wall with a hammer, the shaking enough to cause the powdery plaster of the walls to flake.

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

But right then, there was one boy who went against this stream, gaining the attention of the multitude. Even amongst the boys all donned in the same colour of uniform, his tall stature and striking appearance mixed with an air of indifference and maturity had made the crowd of students again cast their heads back in curiosity and envy.

...save you?

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.

The two other roommates who were to arrive seemingly showed no signs of doing so.

The young man stopped in front a large room located on the top floor of the freshman boy's dormitory.

In what age do you live in, what time?

The long length of the inner corridor obstructed the light, so only through the glow from the light above the hallway could the number of the room on its door be clearly seen, room: 504.


One of the men carrying the luggage pulled out a key and opened the door while another carried all the suitcases into the empty room.

Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

Then, when he finally recovered, he refuted his sister's words in tears.

He was not the son of those proud parents, but a child picked up by a servant of the family named Uncle He. When the man had visited his home town located in a remote area some distance away, he had found the boy in the small hospital there. They told him he was tossed away in one of the bins of that simple hospital's bathroom, and the kind-hearted Uncle He felt so sorry for the poor baby, who seemed the baby seemed to have just been no more than few hours old, that he picked him up and brought him home, guessing the poor child would've died at the hospital if he had not.

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

"Be on your way."

The two men then began arranging the bed and unpacking the luggage in earnest, all while the stately young man stood with his arms folded and watched. Soon the two had everything properly arranged.

"I'm not a bastard! I'm not a bastard! Daddy, mommy, I'm... I'm not a bastard, am I?"

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

Sometimes he wondered how on earth such a small person as himself with such a small heart could even be filled such unconstrained hatred.

"Young Master, we will both be taking our leave."

This marvellous thought had given Meng Fei a start, abruptly, he turned around to look at the aged walls within that dormitory.

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

Because on the old greyed wall the only thing there were a few scratched which also said: ...save me.

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

They sounded so close, and so clear, Meng Fei was under the illusion there was actually someone sobbing beside him.

What plight had you found yourself in that all you could do was scratch these sorrowful and forborne words into this wall?

'...save me.'

Before the age of ten, every memory he had was one of sweetness and warmth. He had a brilliant ad successful father, a beautiful graceful mother, and he was the apple of his parents' eye. I title he had as the youngest the three children of his family.

He intended to turn off the lights and get back to sleep, but a sudden knock sounded outside the door.

He truly believed himself to be a child blessed by the heavens and born with a golden spoon.

No matter how many times his adoptive parents gentle cajoled him to simply treat them like his own parents.

Having already began to leave, the men hesitated and again looked to the young man.

He truly believed himself to be a child blessed by the heavens and born with a golden spoon.

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

But right then, there was one boy who went against this stream, gaining the attention of the multitude. Even amongst the boys all donned in the same colour of uniform, his tall stature and striking appearance mixed with an air of indifference and maturity had made the crowd of students again cast their heads back in curiosity and envy.

The two men then began arranging the bed and unpacking the luggage in earnest, all while the stately young man stood with his arms folded and watched. Soon the two had everything properly arranged.

"Young Master... can you truly not reconsider? Do you still refuse to return home? Who will attend to you here?"

"Young Master... can you truly not reconsider? Do you still refuse to return home? Who will attend to you here?"

In the early days, knowing such a truth had left his heart filled with nothing but hate.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

His body was always lingered at school or at home, but his mind had wondered far away, the distance growing farther and farther with each day.

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.


Beyond that door, was the calm and steady voice of a man.

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

"Be on your way."

The part where the plaster fell off now revealed an old oddly coloured wall, and on that old yellowed wall, were hurriedly scratched characters.

The young man's response expressionlessly chased out those two servants who worried about him.

"Young Master... can you truly not reconsider? Do you still refuse to return home? Who will attend to you here?"

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

His heart was filled with the thought he would be able to see the horror filled messages left by someone, but all he got was disappointment.

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

Eighteen Years Later

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

The lights were still on, meaning it was still not eleven o'clock.

The young man stopped in front a large room located on the top floor of the freshman boy's dormitory.

From then on, he never again acted arrogant and spoiled towards his parents, even his habit of fighting for snacks and toys with his brother's and sisters was something he avoided like the plague.

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

Meng Fei!

When he sat on the car on his way to school, he usually fixed his gaze on the crowd passing by. He thought of all the people within the distant corners of the world, of the innumerable creatures within it, who his biological parents were, and why they had to abandon him.

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

Eighteen Years Later

'...save me.'

Lonely, Meng Fei stood up and walked over to the balcony, gazing at the scenery of the campus below. Right then, the golden orb had already descended into the western horizon, and from that balcony, it was possible to see the gradual and solemn growth of the coming night's sky. The scent of the sophora flowers permeating the nightly air rose all the way to the fifth floor in galloping bursts. Looking through the treetop slanting in the night sky, the pale curved crescent of a waning moon stealthily peeked. I can feel it, I could sense it, the dusk had long crept away and the shroud of darkness that is the night was slowly inching closer, bringing with it a nefarious smile holding pure malevolent intent. A marvellous feeling suddenly swelled within Meng Fei. It seemed as though there, at that exact place, there was also someone standing where he was, someone different from himself, who many years before he had—at the very same hour as now—seemed to have had those same thoughts...

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

With such a loud and urgent plea he sought confirmation within the yes and expression of his parents, however, what he witnessed was something that could not be concealed. On his father's face, there were traces of discomfort; and within his mother's eyes, there were slivers of guilt.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.


The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

Everyone who knew him, knew him as Meng Fei, but even the young man himself has no idea of the identity of his biological parents, or his own real name.

Sometimes he wondered how on earth such a small person as himself with such a small heart could even be filled such unconstrained hatred.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

Don't let me find you old man! Don't let me find you because I detest you more than anything.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

Before the age of ten, every memory he had was one of sweetness and warmth. He had a brilliant ad successful father, a beautiful graceful mother, and he was the apple of his parents' eye. I title he had as the youngest the three children of his family.

One of the men carrying the luggage pulled out a key and opened the door while another carried all the suitcases into the empty room.

He truly believed himself to be a child blessed by the heavens and born with a golden spoon.


Until he was ten years old, that is, and his older sister and him had a fight where she spat, "You bastard! You're nothing but a little brat mom and dad picked up and brought home—what reason is there for you to be so arrogant!"

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

Everyone who knew him, knew him as Meng Fei, but even the young man himself has no idea of the identity of his biological parents, or his own real name.

No, that's nothing but my own wishful thinking.

The long length of the inner corridor obstructed the light, so only through the glow from the light above the hallway could the number of the room on its door be clearly seen, room: 504.

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

Like this, he could tell this room had had countless students throughout the years who had left behind many stories and memories of their youth.

In the early days, knowing such a truth had left his heart filled with nothing but hate.

But right then, there was one boy who went against this stream, gaining the attention of the multitude. Even amongst the boys all donned in the same colour of uniform, his tall stature and striking appearance mixed with an air of indifference and maturity had made the crowd of students again cast their heads back in curiosity and envy.

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

Then, when he finally recovered, he refuted his sister's words in tears.

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

Like this, the truth had been revealed.

'...save me.'

"I'm not a bastard! I'm not a bastard! Daddy, mommy, I'm... I'm not a bastard, am I?"

Meng Fei jumped off his bed and took out his utility knife and used a blade to start peeling off the wall. Carefully, he gently scraped away the top layer of plaster to reveal the old wall beneath.

Just as the new students entered university, the fresh and fragrant pollen of a late spring fluttered and floated in the air warmed by the sun.

Lonely, Meng Fei stood up and walked over to the balcony, gazing at the scenery of the campus below. Right then, the golden orb had already descended into the western horizon, and from that balcony, it was possible to see the gradual and solemn growth of the coming night's sky. The scent of the sophora flowers permeating the nightly air rose all the way to the fifth floor in galloping bursts. Looking through the treetop slanting in the night sky, the pale curved crescent of a waning moon stealthily peeked. I can feel it, I could sense it, the dusk had long crept away and the shroud of darkness that is the night was slowly inching closer, bringing with it a nefarious smile holding pure malevolent intent. A marvellous feeling suddenly swelled within Meng Fei. It seemed as though there, at that exact place, there was also someone standing where he was, someone different from himself, who many years before he had—at the very same hour as now—seemed to have had those same thoughts...

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

His heart was filled with the thought he would be able to see the horror filled messages left by someone, but all he got was disappointment.

'...save me.'

His body was always lingered at school or at home, but his mind had wondered far away, the distance growing farther and farther with each day.

With such a loud and urgent plea he sought confirmation within the yes and expression of his parents, however, what he witnessed was something that could not be concealed. On his father's face, there were traces of discomfort; and within his mother's eyes, there were slivers of guilt.

But the young man's eyes were wide open, and the room was still quite bright, and empty.

Like this, the truth had been revealed.

But right then, there was one boy who went against this stream, gaining the attention of the multitude. Even amongst the boys all donned in the same colour of uniform, his tall stature and striking appearance mixed with an air of indifference and maturity had made the crowd of students again cast their heads back in curiosity and envy.

He was not the son of those proud parents, but a child picked up by a servant of the family named Uncle He. When the man had visited his home town located in a remote area some distance away, he had found the boy in the small hospital there. They told him he was tossed away in one of the bins of that simple hospital's bathroom, and the kind-hearted Uncle He felt so sorry for the poor baby, who seemed the baby seemed to have just been no more than few hours old, that he picked him up and brought him home, guessing the poor child would've died at the hospital if he had not.

Meng Fei sighed, he got a brush to sweep up all the fallen bits of plaster, then shook the sheet off his bed before making it up again.

...this was the truth. He was a child abandoned by his parents.

Eighteen Years Later

Like this, he could tell this room had had countless students throughout the years who had left behind many stories and memories of their youth.

Evil Son: Main Text

"Be on your way."

In the early days, knowing such a truth had left his heart filled with nothing but hate.

"Can you open the door, please? We didn't have any time to go get our key."

...save you?

In the early days, knowing such a truth had left his heart filled with nothing but hate.

Like this, the truth had been revealed.

Sometimes he wondered how on earth such a small person as himself with such a small heart could even be filled such unconstrained hatred.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.


Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

Evil Son: Main Text

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

His body was always lingered at school or at home, but his mind had wondered far away, the distance growing farther and farther with each day.

From then on, he never again acted arrogant and spoiled towards his parents, even his habit of fighting for snacks and toys with his brother's and sisters was something he avoided like the plague.

What plight had you found yourself in that all you could do was scratch these sorrowful and forborne words into this wall?

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

Lonely, Meng Fei stood up and walked over to the balcony, gazing at the scenery of the campus below. Right then, the golden orb had already descended into the western horizon, and from that balcony, it was possible to see the gradual and solemn growth of the coming night's sky. The scent of the sophora flowers permeating the nightly air rose all the way to the fifth floor in galloping bursts. Looking through the treetop slanting in the night sky, the pale curved crescent of a waning moon stealthily peeked. I can feel it, I could sense it, the dusk had long crept away and the shroud of darkness that is the night was slowly inching closer, bringing with it a nefarious smile holding pure malevolent intent. A marvellous feeling suddenly swelled within Meng Fei. It seemed as though there, at that exact place, there was also someone standing where he was, someone different from himself, who many years before he had—at the very same hour as now—seemed to have had those same thoughts...

What plight had you found yourself in that all you could do was scratch these sorrowful and forborne words into this wall?

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

Who are you?

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

No matter how many times his adoptive parents gentle cajoled him to simply treat them like his own parents.

Meng Fei was furious. Sitting up, he pulled on his pants and readied himself to go warn the ones opposite him, but then his gaze suddenly froze.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

...save you?

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

Countless times he imagined that man's face, and in each and every one, that man's face was never the same. The only thing which remained unchanged was the hatred he held towards him within those imaginings.

Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

Because on the old greyed wall the only thing there were a few scratched which also said: ...save me.

His body was always lingered at school or at home, but his mind had wondered far away, the distance growing farther and farther with each day.

When he was younger, he thought that after finding them, he would burst into tears and ask: Why did you abandon me!

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

Like this, he could tell this room had had countless students throughout the years who had left behind many stories and memories of their youth.

It's thin, scratchy... it's like it was scrawled out with someone's nails. '...save me.'

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

They sounded so close, and so clear, Meng Fei was under the illusion there was actually someone sobbing beside him.

When he sat on the car on his way to school, he usually fixed his gaze on the crowd passing by. He thought of all the people within the distant corners of the world, of the innumerable creatures within it, who his biological parents were, and why they had to abandon him.

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.

Until he was ten years old, that is, and his older sister and him had a fight where she spat, "You bastard! You're nothing but a little brat mom and dad picked up and brought home—what reason is there for you to be so arrogant!"

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

...who are you?

When he was younger, he thought that after finding them, he would burst into tears and ask: Why did you abandon me!

But now that he had grown older, that youthful sentimentality had long been replaced by a hardened iron-like hate. Countless times he imagined tightening his hands around that irresponsible birth father's throat, squeezing it bit by bit until he was strangled to death and letting the last sight captured by the man's dying pupils to be the sight of his son looking down upon him while wearing a cruel smile.

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

Evil Son: Main Text

The two men then began arranging the bed and unpacking the luggage in earnest, all while the stately young man stood with his arms folded and watched. Soon the two had everything properly arranged.

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

But now that he had grown older, that youthful sentimentality had long been replaced by a hardened iron-like hate. Countless times he imagined tightening his hands around that irresponsible birth father's throat, squeezing it bit by bit until he was strangled to death and letting the last sight captured by the man's dying pupils to be the sight of his son looking down upon him while wearing a cruel smile.

He was not the son of those proud parents, but a child picked up by a servant of the family named Uncle He. When the man had visited his home town located in a remote area some distance away, he had found the boy in the small hospital there. They told him he was tossed away in one of the bins of that simple hospital's bathroom, and the kind-hearted Uncle He felt so sorry for the poor baby, who seemed the baby seemed to have just been no more than few hours old, that he picked him up and brought him home, guessing the poor child would've died at the hospital if he had not.

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

Who are you?

Countless times he imagined that man's face, and in each and every one, that man's face was never the same. The only thing which remained unchanged was the hatred he held towards him within those imaginings.

The two men then began arranging the bed and unpacking the luggage in earnest, all while the stately young man stood with his arms folded and watched. Soon the two had everything properly arranged.

Don't let me find you old man! Don't let me find you because I detest you more than anything.

Meng Fei!

The two other roommates who were to arrive seemingly showed no signs of doing so.

Evil Son: Main Text

Lonely, Meng Fei stood up and walked over to the balcony, gazing at the scenery of the campus below. Right then, the golden orb had already descended into the western horizon, and from that balcony, it was possible to see the gradual and solemn growth of the coming night's sky. The scent of the sophora flowers permeating the nightly air rose all the way to the fifth floor in galloping bursts. Looking through the treetop slanting in the night sky, the pale curved crescent of a waning moon stealthily peeked. I can feel it, I could sense it, the dusk had long crept away and the shroud of darkness that is the night was slowly inching closer, bringing with it a nefarious smile holding pure malevolent intent. A marvellous feeling suddenly swelled within Meng Fei. It seemed as though there, at that exact place, there was also someone standing where he was, someone different from himself, who many years before he had—at the very same hour as now—seemed to have had those same thoughts...

Then, when he finally recovered, he refuted his sister's words in tears.

This marvellous thought had given Meng Fei a start, abruptly, he turned around to look at the aged walls within that dormitory.

iana: I wonder who that man could be. Anyhow, the next chapter is kinda long, and it has meat (●'◡'●)(〒▽〒)

While lying in bed, he spent the entire time awake, unable to fall asleep. When he finally reached the cusp of slumber, and fell fast asleep, he jolted awake in daze. In his dreams, he seemed to have heard someone's cries, as if they were spoken right next to his ears, the faint voice begging pitifully, "Save me, someone please save me..."

Then, when he finally recovered, he refuted his sister's words in tears.

It was currently night, so the lights were turned on, the room was clad in an old-fashioned styled wallpaper. The design was white and bright, resembling a Japanese styled room.

Having already began to leave, the men hesitated and again looked to the young man.

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

iana: I wonder who that man could be. Anyhow, the next chapter is kinda long, and it has meat (●'◡'●)(〒▽〒)

"Be on your way."

Like this, he could tell this room had had countless students throughout the years who had left behind many stories and memories of their youth.

Everyone who knew him, knew him as Meng Fei, but even the young man himself has no idea of the identity of his biological parents, or his own real name.

...who are you?

The lights were still on, meaning it was still not eleven o'clock.

He intended to turn off the lights and get back to sleep, but a sudden knock sounded outside the door.

The young man stopped in front a large room located on the top floor of the freshman boy's dormitory.

But why does it feel like this ordinary looking dorm room once hid some concealed a secret that went unknown?

The long length of the inner corridor obstructed the light, so only through the glow from the light above the hallway could the number of the room on its door be clearly seen, room: 504.

No, that's nothing but my own wishful thinking.

"Young Master, we will both be taking our leave."

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

But why does it feel like this ordinary looking dorm room once hid some concealed a secret that went unknown?

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

While lying in bed, he spent the entire time awake, unable to fall asleep. When he finally reached the cusp of slumber, and fell fast asleep, he jolted awake in daze. In his dreams, he seemed to have heard someone's cries, as if they were spoken right next to his ears, the faint voice begging pitifully, "Save me, someone please save me..."

Until he was ten years old, that is, and his older sister and him had a fight where she spat, "You bastard! You're nothing but a little brat mom and dad picked up and brought home—what reason is there for you to be so arrogant!"

It was currently night, so the lights were turned on, the room was clad in an old-fashioned styled wallpaper. The design was white and bright, resembling a Japanese styled room.

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

They sounded so close, and so clear, Meng Fei was under the illusion there was actually someone sobbing beside him.

...but, there is no one to answer such a question, is there?

From then on, he never again acted arrogant and spoiled towards his parents, even his habit of fighting for snacks and toys with his brother's and sisters was something he avoided like the plague.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.

The two men then began arranging the bed and unpacking the luggage in earnest, all while the stately young man stood with his arms folded and watched. Soon the two had everything properly arranged.

Meng Fei sighed, he got a brush to sweep up all the fallen bits of plaster, then shook the sheet off his bed before making it up again.

But the young man's eyes were wide open, and the room was still quite bright, and empty.

...this was the truth. He was a child abandoned by his parents.

In what age do you live in, what time?

Countless times he imagined that man's face, and in each and every one, that man's face was never the same. The only thing which remained unchanged was the hatred he held towards him within those imaginings.

Beyond that door, was the calm and steady voice of a man.

Don't let me find you old man! Don't let me find you because I detest you more than anything.

Having already began to leave, the men hesitated and again looked to the young man.

...but, there is no one to answer such a question, is there?

The lights were still on, meaning it was still not eleven o'clock.

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

But the young man's eyes were wide open, and the room was still quite bright, and empty.

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

"Can you open the door, please? We didn't have any time to go get our key."

In what age do you live in, what time?

In the other room beside his, unknowing of what obscene jokes were being told, the rambunctious laughter of several boys erupted. It seemed as though one of the beds of of those boys was adjacent to Meng Fei's through the wall, because when he laughed, he laughed so madly it felt as though he was striking the wall with a hammer, the shaking enough to cause the powdery plaster of the walls to flake.

Before the age of ten, every memory he had was one of sweetness and warmth. He had a brilliant ad successful father, a beautiful graceful mother, and he was the apple of his parents' eye. I title he had as the youngest the three children of his family.

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

It was five o'clock, dinnertime. The staircase was filled with the clambering, downward bound steps of young men in their prime of youth.

Meng Fei was furious. Sitting up, he pulled on his pants and readied himself to go warn the ones opposite him, but then his gaze suddenly froze.

'...save me.'

Evil Son: Main Text

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

"Can you open the door, please? We didn't have any time to go get our key."


The part where the plaster fell off now revealed an old oddly coloured wall, and on that old yellowed wall, were hurriedly scratched characters.

He intended to turn off the lights and get back to sleep, but a sudden knock sounded outside the door.

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

No, that's nothing but my own wishful thinking.

Evil Son: Main Text

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

The two other roommates who were to arrive seemingly showed no signs of doing so.

'...save me.'

'...save me.'

The lights were still on, meaning it was still not eleven o'clock.

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

Meng Fei jumped off his bed and took out his utility knife and used a blade to start peeling off the wall. Carefully, he gently scraped away the top layer of plaster to reveal the old wall beneath.

His heart was filled with the thought he would be able to see the horror filled messages left by someone, but all he got was disappointment.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

One of the men who walked towards the door couldn't help but issue his final plea. The university was clearly not too far from his home, so why did the young master insist on living on campus? Neither of the servants could understand!

Who are you?

This marvellous thought had given Meng Fei a start, abruptly, he turned around to look at the aged walls within that dormitory.

It's thin, scratchy... it's like it was scrawled out with someone's nails. '...save me.'


...who are you?

It's thin, scratchy... it's like it was scrawled out with someone's nails. '...save me.'

From then on, he never again acted arrogant and spoiled towards his parents, even his habit of fighting for snacks and toys with his brother's and sisters was something he avoided like the plague.

'...save me.'

...this was the truth. He was a child abandoned by his parents.

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

He truly believed himself to be a child blessed by the heavens and born with a golden spoon.

Meng Fei jumped off his bed and took out his utility knife and used a blade to start peeling off the wall. Carefully, he gently scraped away the top layer of plaster to reveal the old wall beneath.

The young man nodded simply, then sat himself on the bedspread.

He was Meng Qingyuan's, director of the renowned Mengshi Industrial Companies Limited, son: Meng Fei.

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

In the other room beside his, unknowing of what obscene jokes were being told, the rambunctious laughter of several boys erupted. It seemed as though one of the beds of of those boys was adjacent to Meng Fei's through the wall, because when he laughed, he laughed so madly it felt as though he was striking the wall with a hammer, the shaking enough to cause the powdery plaster of the walls to flake.

Until he was ten years old, that is, and his older sister and him had a fight where she spat, "You bastard! You're nothing but a little brat mom and dad picked up and brought home—what reason is there for you to be so arrogant!"

His heart was filled with the thought he would be able to see the horror filled messages left by someone, but all he got was disappointment.

In the other room beside his, unknowing of what obscene jokes were being told, the rambunctious laughter of several boys erupted. It seemed as though one of the beds of of those boys was adjacent to Meng Fei's through the wall, because when he laughed, he laughed so madly it felt as though he was striking the wall with a hammer, the shaking enough to cause the powdery plaster of the walls to flake.

It was currently night, so the lights were turned on, the room was clad in an old-fashioned styled wallpaper. The design was white and bright, resembling a Japanese styled room.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.

"I'm not a bastard! I'm not a bastard! Daddy, mommy, I'm... I'm not a bastard, am I?"

He didn't know when it started, but regardless of whether he was awake or asleep, he never let go of the thought of finding his birth parents.

His body was always lingered at school or at home, but his mind had wondered far away, the distance growing farther and farther with each day.

They sounded so close, and so clear, Meng Fei was under the illusion there was actually someone sobbing beside him.

Because on the old greyed wall the only thing there were a few scratched which also said: ...save me.

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.

...save you?

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

One of the men carrying the luggage pulled out a key and opened the door while another carried all the suitcases into the empty room.

...who are you?

The enchanting rays, born from the twilight, were carried from that balcony onto the bed where the young man sat, illuminating his form. Where upon the edge of that bedside, on the spread he sat on, a white label with hurriedly written characters of it's owner was affixed, the characters: Meng Fei.

In what age do you live in, what time?

Who are you?

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

"Young Master... can you truly not reconsider? Do you still refuse to return home? Who will attend to you here?"

Eighteen Years Later

While lying in bed, he spent the entire time awake, unable to fall asleep. When he finally reached the cusp of slumber, and fell fast asleep, he jolted awake in daze. In his dreams, he seemed to have heard someone's cries, as if they were spoken right next to his ears, the faint voice begging pitifully, "Save me, someone please save me..."

When he sat on the car on his way to school, he usually fixed his gaze on the crowd passing by. He thought of all the people within the distant corners of the world, of the innumerable creatures within it, who his biological parents were, and why they had to abandon him.

In what age do you live in, what time?

While lying in bed, he spent the entire time awake, unable to fall asleep. When he finally reached the cusp of slumber, and fell fast asleep, he jolted awake in daze. In his dreams, he seemed to have heard someone's cries, as if they were spoken right next to his ears, the faint voice begging pitifully, "Save me, someone please save me..."

Until he was ten years old, that is, and his older sister and him had a fight where she spat, "You bastard! You're nothing but a little brat mom and dad picked up and brought home—what reason is there for you to be so arrogant!"

Before the age of ten, every memory he had was one of sweetness and warmth. He had a brilliant ad successful father, a beautiful graceful mother, and he was the apple of his parents' eye. I title he had as the youngest the three children of his family.

One of the men carrying the luggage pulled out a key and opened the door while another carried all the suitcases into the empty room.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.

Despite the smile and acceptance sprung upon his face as he listened, his heart heard none of those words at all.

The other two beds in the room were still empty, so the other two boys staying in the room are still to arrive.

What plight had you found yourself in that all you could do was scratch these sorrowful and forborne words into this wall?

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

Meng Fei was furious. Sitting up, he pulled on his pants and readied himself to go warn the ones opposite him, but then his gaze suddenly froze.

On that spring day, with the dim glow of the setting sun, it was now dusk.

...who are you?

No matter how many times his adoptive parents gentle cajoled him to simply treat them like his own parents.

Countless times he imagined that man's face, and in each and every one, that man's face was never the same. The only thing which remained unchanged was the hatred he held towards him within those imaginings.

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

Yes, his name was Meng Fei!

But now that he had grown older, that youthful sentimentality had long been replaced by a hardened iron-like hate. Countless times he imagined tightening his hands around that irresponsible birth father's throat, squeezing it bit by bit until he was strangled to death and letting the last sight captured by the man's dying pupils to be the sight of his son looking down upon him while wearing a cruel smile.

...but, there is no one to answer such a question, is there?

Lonely, Meng Fei stood up and walked over to the balcony, gazing at the scenery of the campus below. Right then, the golden orb had already descended into the western horizon, and from that balcony, it was possible to see the gradual and solemn growth of the coming night's sky. The scent of the sophora flowers permeating the nightly air rose all the way to the fifth floor in galloping bursts. Looking through the treetop slanting in the night sky, the pale curved crescent of a waning moon stealthily peeked. I can feel it, I could sense it, the dusk had long crept away and the shroud of darkness that is the night was slowly inching closer, bringing with it a nefarious smile holding pure malevolent intent. A marvellous feeling suddenly swelled within Meng Fei. It seemed as though there, at that exact place, there was also someone standing where he was, someone different from himself, who many years before he had—at the very same hour as now—seemed to have had those same thoughts...

Meng Fei sighed, he got a brush to sweep up all the fallen bits of plaster, then shook the sheet off his bed before making it up again.

"Can you open the door, please? We didn't have any time to go get our key."

Despite his father upon hearing the uproar immediately striking his sister in punishment, he was still left standing there stunned.

No matter how how many times his sister repeatedly apologised to him with tear filled eyes and said he was her little brother, and he would always be.

...who are you?

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

He intended to turn off the lights and get back to sleep, but a sudden knock sounded outside the door.

The young man stopped in front a large room located on the top floor of the freshman boy's dormitory.

Behind the handsome boy were two men, a driver and and a servant, both carrying suitcases in their hands, an act which suggested this boy to be a newly arrived student.

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

Who are you?

In what age do you live in, what time?

The two other roommates who were to arrive seemingly showed no signs of doing so.

Meng Fei's heart seemed to have been pierced by an iron spike, but then it was suddenly overcome by shock, excitement, and dread. What is this?

"Who could that be?" Oh, it must be my roommate arriving late.

Beyond that door, was the calm and steady voice of a man.

But now that he had grown older, that youthful sentimentality had long been replaced by a hardened iron-like hate. Countless times he imagined tightening his hands around that irresponsible birth father's throat, squeezing it bit by bit until he was strangled to death and letting the last sight captured by the man's dying pupils to be the sight of his son looking down upon him while wearing a cruel smile.

The lights were still on, meaning it was still not eleven o'clock.

Everyone who knew him, knew him as Meng Fei, but even the young man himself has no idea of the identity of his biological parents, or his own real name.

Sometimes he wondered how on earth such a small person as himself with such a small heart could even be filled such unconstrained hatred.

"Can you open the door, please? We didn't have any time to go get our key."

Don't let me find you old man! Don't let me find you because I detest you more than anything.

Beyond that door, was the calm and steady voice of a man.

Just as the new students entered university, the fresh and fragrant pollen of a late spring fluttered and floated in the air warmed by the sun.

He understood he had no right to do so. I am not my parents' child.

...who are you?

With a sigh, Meng Fei went wash up before making his way to bed.

The part where the plaster fell off now revealed an old oddly coloured wall, and on that old yellowed wall, were hurriedly scratched characters.

Author's Note:



iana: I wonder who that man could be. Anyhow, the next chapter is kinda long, and it has meat (●'◡'●)(〒▽〒)

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