Evil Son: C04 - CNT18
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Evil Son: C04

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This novel was posted on cnt18 [dot] blogsp0t [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

Tang Sen said this before he began pumping into me. Every time he entered, the pain was too much to voice out in anything but pleading sobs. I didn't do anything wrong, so why... why do I have to endure such a fate.

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

The strength he used was no less than that of Tang Sen, because a hot and nasty taste erupted in my mouth, I was probably bleeding. Both sides of my face was covered in a searing pain as if they were burnt, and the tears within my eyes began flowing.

iana: I know it's been more than a while, this was depressing to translate. I need some happy smut to counteract the sad smut in this one.

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I flipped though a collection of poetic verses, my heart was a complete mess. From time to time, I secretly peeked at Meng Zhaoxiong's towering form. Right then, twilight was already being forced below the horizon, and the city had begun its descent into darkness. Upon Meng Zhaoxiong's body, the neon lights cast their glow, his body which still stood there ramrod straight. I pang suddenly rose within my heart. Waiting and waiting. Waiting for hope that would never arrive, a feeling of hopelessness I understood all too well.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

Anyhow, summer vacation had arrived.

Like this, the time until summer vacation went smoothly.

Before the bell for the next class rings, I always packed up my book bag, and as soon as class was dismissed, I would grab my bag and exit the class with the flow of students. Plus, I always made sure to stay in placed at school where there were many people so as to avoid any chance running into Liu Wei and Tang Sen on my own.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

I was naked—I was completely naked and in front of them both. My flat chest, my slender waist, and my widely forced open legs—including the secret place I had no way of concealing—were all exposed before them. Nothing was left hidden.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

Turning around, I saw a face I never expected to see. It was a brilliantly handsome face, one that was capable and shrewd. I knew this only because the girls in my class always described him this way, but the one currently facing me was filled with anger and contempt.

"No, don't—"

"No! Don't! Don't do this! Please, I begging you! Don't!"

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

Tang Sen said this before he began pumping into me. Every time he entered, the pain was too much to voice out in anything but pleading sobs. I didn't do anything wrong, so why... why do I have to endure such a fate.

Turning around, I saw a face I never expected to see. It was a brilliantly handsome face, one that was capable and shrewd. I knew this only because the girls in my class always described him this way, but the one currently facing me was filled with anger and contempt.


Turning around, I saw a face I never expected to see. It was a brilliantly handsome face, one that was capable and shrewd. I knew this only because the girls in my class always described him this way, but the one currently facing me was filled with anger and contempt.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

Like this, the time until summer vacation went smoothly.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

A few days later, I heard someone say he had transferred to another school.

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.

"L-L-Liu Wei..."

In the final second before I passed out, I think I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's figure amongst the crowd through the car's window. There was shock in his eyes, and he stared straight at me. I couldn't hear his voice, but based on his mouth I could tell he was shouting something.

After those days passed I was back at school, dragging my steps as I made my way to the door of my class and lacking any courage to push it open.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"

After that, I passed out.

"A, you're so tight... god, inside you is so tight."


I was naked—I was completely naked and in front of them both. My flat chest, my slender waist, and my widely forced open legs—including the secret place I had no way of concealing—were all exposed before them. Nothing was left hidden.

I was so shocked, I had begun to stutter. (I forgot to mention the class monitor's name is Liu Wei.) Looking over Liu Wei's broad shoulders, I saw the expressionless face of the student committee member named Tang Sen.

After doing this for a while, I discovered that there were actually a lot of classmates who were sincerely kind to me. They first would ask curiously, "Xiao'A why didn't you walk out with us before? Why are you getting along with again?" Then later, they would tap on my shoulder and say, "A, c'mon c'mon, let's go play basketball!" I swear to god I'm not even talented enough to dribble, let alone play basketball! But for the first time I realised that there wasn't anyone in this world who rejected me, and despite the feelings of inferiority in my heart the same as before, I finally learned to calm down. I was finally able to summon the courage to get along with my classmates and greet them everyday. Though... I once caught sight of Liu Wei's eyes on the verge erupting with flames in the distance.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I uh..."

I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

But Liu Wei just glared at me coldly, his gaze still filled with that same indifferent and disdainful look, a look which seemed as though he was staring at a caterpillar. In reply, he gnashed his teeth and gritted out, "You're just some bⅰtch who specialises in seducing men!" After saying this he slapped me again. I clawed at my neck but I still couldn't manage to breathe, Liu Wei choking me tightly had made my eyes turn white, and in that instant I thought I saw the shadow of death. And now, by this merciless slap of his everything before my eyes had gone dark.

"I-I uh..."

"You really are a bⅰtch."

But Liu Wei just glared at me coldly, his gaze still filled with that same indifferent and disdainful look, a look which seemed as though he was staring at a caterpillar. In reply, he gnashed his teeth and gritted out, "You're just some bⅰtch who specialises in seducing men!" After saying this he slapped me again. I clawed at my neck but I still couldn't manage to breathe, Liu Wei choking me tightly had made my eyes turn white, and in that instant I thought I saw the shadow of death. And now, by this merciless slap of his everything before my eyes had gone dark.


"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

"Everything's fine, this guy is our younger brother. He's just been acting really naughty, always skipping school and such. We found him today after looking for him for the entire day, and we're just a bit anger right now, so..."

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

The lust filling his eyes made me understand right then was it was to retreat in terror, but I couldn't back away, being held there firmly in Liu Wei's arms was all I could do.

In shook my head desperately in helplessness and shame, as my body shook violently and goosebumps erupted all over. But it seemed as though they had no intention of curbing their desire to violate me, and Tang Sen used his hand to peel away the petals between my legs to pull out the frail undeveloped root tucked within. I detested my body, I hated it so much I usually made sure to never look at carefully. Yet today I was laid out in such a disgusting position and pried open under the gaze of to classmates to savour. The sheer impact of my current shame made the blood in my heart begin to flow backwards. Again, I struggled and twisted my body to display my abject refusal.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

—Oh, something important to add was that Meng Zhaoxiong was nowhere to be seen. After I returned from those three days rest at home, I never saw him again.

This action of mine enraged Tang Sen. His tall figure seeming to slant as he reached to grab hold of my arm. "Ow, that hurts!"

"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

The moment I screamed out he slapped me hard across the face!

All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

Their expressions were weird, it was almost as if they were laughing. But all I felt was my heart seizing with dread and my eyes ripping open wider.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

He then reached his hand in between my legs.

I begged them, but it seemed my pleas had the opposite effect, because Tang Sen started to strip off his quickly strip off his clothing, the rapidly swelling part hidden below his jeans clear for all to see.

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.

The strength he used was no less than that of Tang Sen, because a hot and nasty taste erupted in my mouth, I was probably bleeding. Both sides of my face was covered in a searing pain as if they were burnt, and the tears within my eyes began flowing.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"


"You really are a bⅰtch."

"Liu Wei... Liu Wei...... please... please have mercy... please have—"


I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

"L-L-Liu Wei..."

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

After he mumbled out those words, before I knew what even happened, he slapped me clear across the other cheek that wasn't hit—hard.

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.

Nothing was strange. But Liu Wei and Tang Sen had changed their usual attitude towards me, they were kind, and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way could forget the pain ad humiliation from the cruelty and brutality they had caused me on that day, but I did not have the courage to confront them. The secret of my body had left me with an inferiority complex spanning over a decade, so I could never straiten my spine to go face anyone, let alone the two guys who know about my incomplete body. I was destined to lose from the start.

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

The strength he used was no less than that of Tang Sen, because a hot and nasty taste erupted in my mouth, I was probably bleeding. Both sides of my face was covered in a searing pain as if they were burnt, and the tears within my eyes began flowing.

But Liu Wei firmly held me in place, causing my naked body sitting on his knee to act no different than a puppet. My arms were retrained behind my back as I struggled to endure the shame and disgust while feeling his thiⅽk, erεⅽt member under my behind.

Before the bell for the next class rings, I always packed up my book bag, and as soon as class was dismissed, I would grab my bag and exit the class with the flow of students. Plus, I always made sure to stay in placed at school where there were many people so as to avoid any chance running into Liu Wei and Tang Sen on my own.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.

This action of mine enraged Tang Sen. His tall figure seeming to slant as he reached to grab hold of my arm. "Ow, that hurts!"

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

At the same time, Tang Sen was digging into my secret place. It felt as though someone was plυnging their finger into an open wound, forcing my entire body to convulse.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

"Liu Wei... Liu Wei...... please... please have mercy... please have—"

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

After those days passed I was back at school, dragging my steps as I made my way to the door of my class and lacking any courage to push it open.

This action of mine enraged Tang Sen. His tall figure seeming to slant as he reached to grab hold of my arm. "Ow, that hurts!"

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

"You have such a slim waist, babe."

I begged them, but it seemed my pleas had the opposite effect, because Tang Sen started to strip off his quickly strip off his clothing, the rapidly swelling part hidden below his jeans clear for all to see.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

"No, don't... please..."

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.

"Everything's fine, this guy is our younger brother. He's just been acting really naughty, always skipping school and such. We found him today after looking for him for the entire day, and we're just a bit anger right now, so..."

Although Liu Wei and Tang Sen would not be so disgusting and stupid as to publicize the secret of them ġαng-rαρing me to everyone, I still had no way of reigning in the despair within my heart.

I was so shocked, I had begun to stutter. (I forgot to mention the class monitor's name is Liu Wei.) Looking over Liu Wei's broad shoulders, I saw the expressionless face of the student committee member named Tang Sen.

The moment I screamed out he slapped me hard across the face!

After those days passed I was back at school, dragging my steps as I made my way to the door of my class and lacking any courage to push it open.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

"A, you're so tight... god, inside you is so tight."

The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

Nothing was strange. But Liu Wei and Tang Sen had changed their usual attitude towards me, they were kind, and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way could forget the pain ad humiliation from the cruelty and brutality they had caused me on that day, but I did not have the courage to confront them. The secret of my body had left me with an inferiority complex spanning over a decade, so I could never straiten my spine to go face anyone, let alone the two guys who know about my incomplete body. I was destined to lose from the start.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

"Ohh, so that's how it is. Your little brother has been misbehaving, yes? But you must still bear in mind the method you use to educate him..."

The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.


When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

No... Don't do this... I hate it—I hate such a disgusting thing so much!

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

The tone of his words were frivolous and obscene, so much so, all I could do was shudder. I had no way of could connecting this person currently behind me to the usual class monitor who earnestly hated me to the extreme.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I was naked—I was completely naked and in front of them both. My flat chest, my slender waist, and my widely forced open legs—including the secret place I had no way of concealing—were all exposed before them. Nothing was left hidden.

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

I begged them, but it seemed my pleas had the opposite effect, because Tang Sen started to strip off his quickly strip off his clothing, the rapidly swelling part hidden below his jeans clear for all to see.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.


I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

He then reached his hand in between my legs.

Although Liu Wei and Tang Sen would not be so disgusting and stupid as to publicize the secret of them ġαng-rαρing me to everyone, I still had no way of reigning in the despair within my heart.

The lust filling his eyes made me understand right then was it was to retreat in terror, but I couldn't back away, being held there firmly in Liu Wei's arms was all I could do.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

No... Don't do this... I hate it—I hate such a disgusting thing so much!

But Liu Wei just glared at me coldly, his gaze still filled with that same indifferent and disdainful look, a look which seemed as though he was staring at a caterpillar. In reply, he gnashed his teeth and gritted out, "You're just some bⅰtch who specialises in seducing men!" After saying this he slapped me again. I clawed at my neck but I still couldn't manage to breathe, Liu Wei choking me tightly had made my eyes turn white, and in that instant I thought I saw the shadow of death. And now, by this merciless slap of his everything before my eyes had gone dark.

—Oh, something important to add was that Meng Zhaoxiong was nowhere to be seen. After I returned from those three days rest at home, I never saw him again.

I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

"A, you're so tight... god, inside you is so tight."

In the final second before I passed out, I think I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's figure amongst the crowd through the car's window. There was shock in his eyes, and he stared straight at me. I couldn't hear his voice, but based on his mouth I could tell he was shouting something.



I flipped though a collection of poetic verses, my heart was a complete mess. From time to time, I secretly peeked at Meng Zhaoxiong's towering form. Right then, twilight was already being forced below the horizon, and the city had begun its descent into darkness. Upon Meng Zhaoxiong's body, the neon lights cast their glow, his body which still stood there ramrod straight. I pang suddenly rose within my heart. Waiting and waiting. Waiting for hope that would never arrive, a feeling of hopelessness I understood all too well.

Tang Sen then rose to his feet.

All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.




I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

The lust filling his eyes made me understand right then was it was to retreat in terror, but I couldn't back away, being held there firmly in Liu Wei's arms was all I could do.

I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

After that, I passed out.

Anyhow, summer vacation had arrived.

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.


All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.


"So that's what it was," Tang Sen said.


I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

In shook my head desperately in helplessness and shame, as my body shook violently and goosebumps erupted all over. But it seemed as though they had no intention of curbing their desire to violate me, and Tang Sen used his hand to peel away the petals between my legs to pull out the frail undeveloped root tucked within. I detested my body, I hated it so much I usually made sure to never look at carefully. Yet today I was laid out in such a disgusting position and pried open under the gaze of to classmates to savour. The sheer impact of my current shame made the blood in my heart begin to flow backwards. Again, I struggled and twisted my body to display my abject refusal.


I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

I was naked—I was completely naked and in front of them both. My flat chest, my slender waist, and my widely forced open legs—including the secret place I had no way of concealing—were all exposed before them. Nothing was left hidden.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

But Liu Wei firmly held me in place, causing my naked body sitting on his knee to act no different than a puppet. My arms were retrained behind my back as I struggled to endure the shame and disgust while feeling his thiⅽk, erεⅽt member under my behind.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"

Their expressions were weird, it was almost as if they were laughing. But all I felt was my heart seizing with dread and my eyes ripping open wider.

I flipped though a collection of poetic verses, my heart was a complete mess. From time to time, I secretly peeked at Meng Zhaoxiong's towering form. Right then, twilight was already being forced below the horizon, and the city had begun its descent into darkness. Upon Meng Zhaoxiong's body, the neon lights cast their glow, his body which still stood there ramrod straight. I pang suddenly rose within my heart. Waiting and waiting. Waiting for hope that would never arrive, a feeling of hopelessness I understood all too well.

The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

After he mumbled out those words, before I knew what even happened, he slapped me clear across the other cheek that wasn't hit—hard.

I was naked—I was completely naked and in front of them both. My flat chest, my slender waist, and my widely forced open legs—including the secret place I had no way of concealing—were all exposed before them. Nothing was left hidden.

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

At the same time, Tang Sen was digging into my secret place. It felt as though someone was plυnging their finger into an open wound, forcing my entire body to convulse.

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head, hard. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I stared back and forth as Liu Wei and Tang Sen for about three minutes in a daze. I screamed, then madly crawled to the bedside to grab my clothes!

But Liu Wei just glared at me coldly, his gaze still filled with that same indifferent and disdainful look, a look which seemed as though he was staring at a caterpillar. In reply, he gnashed his teeth and gritted out, "You're just some bⅰtch who specialises in seducing men!" After saying this he slapped me again. I clawed at my neck but I still couldn't manage to breathe, Liu Wei choking me tightly had made my eyes turn white, and in that instant I thought I saw the shadow of death. And now, by this merciless slap of his everything before my eyes had gone dark.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.


"You really are a bⅰtch."

"No! Don't! Don't do this! Please, I begging you! Don't!"

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

"L-L-Liu Wei..."

The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.

This action of mine enraged Tang Sen. His tall figure seeming to slant as he reached to grab hold of my arm. "Ow, that hurts!"

"So that's what it was," Tang Sen said.

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

He then reached his hand in between my legs.

I was shocked, confused, and more than anything, lost. He was my fist friend, even though I also felt he was dangerous.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

—Oh, something important to add was that Meng Zhaoxiong was nowhere to be seen. After I returned from those three days rest at home, I never saw him again.

"I-I uh..."

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

"No! Don't! Don't do this! Please, I begging you! Don't!"

Because of Tang Sen's sucking, I could only struggle and squirm as much as I could. Using my eyes, I pleaded with them, hoping they would let me go. But little by little there was a feeling arising within my loins, one that was a tingly or perhaps sweet. Coupled with Liu Wei's hands pawing every inch of my body like a beast, a thirst laden feeling welled in within me and I couldn't restrain the quivering moan which escaped my throat.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"You really are a bⅰtch."

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

I begged them, but it seemed my pleas had the opposite effect, because Tang Sen started to strip off his quickly strip off his clothing, the rapidly swelling part hidden below his jeans clear for all to see.

But as my body leaned weakly against Liu Wei's chest, along with my own consciousness made dizzy with pain, I also heard Liu Wei's rapidly increasing breath, as well as sense the thing laying below my reαr growing hοtter and hαrder by the second.

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

Although Liu Wei and Tang Sen would not be so disgusting and stupid as to publicize the secret of them ġαng-rαρing me to everyone, I still had no way of reigning in the despair within my heart.

"No, don't... please..."

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

But Liu Wei just glared at me coldly, his gaze still filled with that same indifferent and disdainful look, a look which seemed as though he was staring at a caterpillar. In reply, he gnashed his teeth and gritted out, "You're just some bⅰtch who specialises in seducing men!" After saying this he slapped me again. I clawed at my neck but I still couldn't manage to breathe, Liu Wei choking me tightly had made my eyes turn white, and in that instant I thought I saw the shadow of death. And now, by this merciless slap of his everything before my eyes had gone dark.

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.


I already knew what they were thinking of doing, but there was no way it was possible! My body was incomplete, but I was still a man, not a woman! Liu Wei wrenched open my legs and I screamed to the point of near madness. "So god-damn noisy!" Tang Sen commented, right before grabbing his T-shirt and stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was already injured so when he stuffed the shirt in it sent out a burst of pain. But when I saw the scorching weapon belonging to Tang Sen standing firm between his legs, the fear made any pain I felt long forgotten.


"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

"No! Don't! Don't do this! Please, I begging you! Don't!"

But Liu Wei firmly held me in place, causing my naked body sitting on his knee to act no different than a puppet. My arms were retrained behind my back as I struggled to endure the shame and disgust while feeling his thiⅽk, erεⅽt member under my behind.

I already knew what they were thinking of doing, but there was no way it was possible! My body was incomplete, but I was still a man, not a woman! Liu Wei wrenched open my legs and I screamed to the point of near madness. "So god-damn noisy!" Tang Sen commented, right before grabbing his T-shirt and stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was already injured so when he stuffed the shirt in it sent out a burst of pain. But when I saw the scorching weapon belonging to Tang Sen standing firm between his legs, the fear made any pain I felt long forgotten.


"You have such a slim waist, babe."

I struggled with everything I had, but they held me down as if I was nothing, and then Liu Wei held my body against his own.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.


I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.


I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

"You have such a slim waist, babe."

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

"No, don't—"

The tone of his words were frivolous and obscene, so much so, all I could do was shudder. I had no way of could connecting this person currently behind me to the usual class monitor who earnestly hated me to the extreme.

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

No... Don't do this... I hate it—I hate such a disgusting thing so much!

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

A few days later, I heard someone say he had transferred to another school.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

I already knew what they were thinking of doing, but there was no way it was possible! My body was incomplete, but I was still a man, not a woman! Liu Wei wrenched open my legs and I screamed to the point of near madness. "So god-damn noisy!" Tang Sen commented, right before grabbing his T-shirt and stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was already injured so when he stuffed the shirt in it sent out a burst of pain. But when I saw the scorching weapon belonging to Tang Sen standing firm between his legs, the fear made any pain I felt long forgotten.

Nothing was strange. But Liu Wei and Tang Sen had changed their usual attitude towards me, they were kind, and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way could forget the pain ad humiliation from the cruelty and brutality they had caused me on that day, but I did not have the courage to confront them. The secret of my body had left me with an inferiority complex spanning over a decade, so I could never straiten my spine to go face anyone, let alone the two guys who know about my incomplete body. I was destined to lose from the start.

"You really are a bⅰtch."

In shook my head desperately in helplessness and shame, as my body shook violently and goosebumps erupted all over. But it seemed as though they had no intention of curbing their desire to violate me, and Tang Sen used his hand to peel away the petals between my legs to pull out the frail undeveloped root tucked within. I detested my body, I hated it so much I usually made sure to never look at carefully. Yet today I was laid out in such a disgusting position and pried open under the gaze of to classmates to savour. The sheer impact of my current shame made the blood in my heart begin to flow backwards. Again, I struggled and twisted my body to display my abject refusal.

In the narrow opening of my front was being forced to contain the enormity of Tang Sen's weapon, and that place was already pushed to its extreme. With Tang Sen's pumping and thrusting alone, I could feel the inside my belly being so filled by him to the degree it as painful to breathe. So having Liu Wei force his own rod within my rear passage inch by inch on top of that, the pain and fear of my stomach being ripped open cause every ounce of strength in my body to be snatched, leaving my to again again scream and beg in pan and terror.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

But Liu Wei firmly held me in place, causing my naked body sitting on his knee to act no different than a puppet. My arms were retrained behind my back as I struggled to endure the shame and disgust while feeling his thiⅽk, erεⅽt member under my behind.

Their expressions were weird, it was almost as if they were laughing. But all I felt was my heart seizing with dread and my eyes ripping open wider.

"No, don't—"

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head, hard. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I stared back and forth as Liu Wei and Tang Sen for about three minutes in a daze. I screamed, then madly crawled to the bedside to grab my clothes!

At the same time, Tang Sen was digging into my secret place. It felt as though someone was plυnging their finger into an open wound, forcing my entire body to convulse.

After he mumbled out those words, before I knew what even happened, he slapped me clear across the other cheek that wasn't hit—hard.


Before the bell for the next class rings, I always packed up my book bag, and as soon as class was dismissed, I would grab my bag and exit the class with the flow of students. Plus, I always made sure to stay in placed at school where there were many people so as to avoid any chance running into Liu Wei and Tang Sen on my own.

But as my body leaned weakly against Liu Wei's chest, along with my own consciousness made dizzy with pain, I also heard Liu Wei's rapidly increasing breath, as well as sense the thing laying below my reαr growing hοtter and hαrder by the second.

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

I wanted to refute him, but Liu Wei swiftly used his hand to cover my mouth. Ouch— It hurt when he did it, my mouth was probably swollen.

iana: I know it's been more than a while, this was depressing to translate. I need some happy smut to counteract the sad smut in this one.

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.

Turning around, I saw a face I never expected to see. It was a brilliantly handsome face, one that was capable and shrewd. I knew this only because the girls in my class always described him this way, but the one currently facing me was filled with anger and contempt.


I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

Before the bell for the next class rings, I always packed up my book bag, and as soon as class was dismissed, I would grab my bag and exit the class with the flow of students. Plus, I always made sure to stay in placed at school where there were many people so as to avoid any chance running into Liu Wei and Tang Sen on my own.

Because of Tang Sen's sucking, I could only struggle and squirm as much as I could. Using my eyes, I pleaded with them, hoping they would let me go. But little by little there was a feeling arising within my loins, one that was a tingly or perhaps sweet. Coupled with Liu Wei's hands pawing every inch of my body like a beast, a thirst laden feeling welled in within me and I couldn't restrain the quivering moan which escaped my throat.

I already knew what they were thinking of doing, but there was no way it was possible! My body was incomplete, but I was still a man, not a woman! Liu Wei wrenched open my legs and I screamed to the point of near madness. "So god-damn noisy!" Tang Sen commented, right before grabbing his T-shirt and stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was already injured so when he stuffed the shirt in it sent out a burst of pain. But when I saw the scorching weapon belonging to Tang Sen standing firm between his legs, the fear made any pain I felt long forgotten.

Seeing my tears, Liu Wei seemed to calmed down considerably. But Tang Sen still wore a frigid look on his face, and his hand still firmly held my arm.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.


I was shocked, confused, and more than anything, lost. He was my fist friend, even though I also felt he was dangerous.

"What are you doing here?"

The moment I screamed out he slapped me hard across the face!

No... Don't do this... I hate it—I hate such a disgusting thing so much!

In shook my head desperately in helplessness and shame, as my body shook violently and goosebumps erupted all over. But it seemed as though they had no intention of curbing their desire to violate me, and Tang Sen used his hand to peel away the petals between my legs to pull out the frail undeveloped root tucked within. I detested my body, I hated it so much I usually made sure to never look at carefully. Yet today I was laid out in such a disgusting position and pried open under the gaze of to classmates to savour. The sheer impact of my current shame made the blood in my heart begin to flow backwards. Again, I struggled and twisted my body to display my abject refusal.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

"You have such a slim waist, babe."

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

After doing this for a while, I discovered that there were actually a lot of classmates who were sincerely kind to me. They first would ask curiously, "Xiao'A why didn't you walk out with us before? Why are you getting along with again?" Then later, they would tap on my shoulder and say, "A, c'mon c'mon, let's go play basketball!" I swear to god I'm not even talented enough to dribble, let alone play basketball! But for the first time I realised that there wasn't anyone in this world who rejected me, and despite the feelings of inferiority in my heart the same as before, I finally learned to calm down. I was finally able to summon the courage to get along with my classmates and greet them everyday. Though... I once caught sight of Liu Wei's eyes on the verge erupting with flames in the distance.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

"No, don't... please..."

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

I was so shocked, I had begun to stutter. (I forgot to mention the class monitor's name is Liu Wei.) Looking over Liu Wei's broad shoulders, I saw the expressionless face of the student committee member named Tang Sen.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

Tang Sen then rose to his feet.

I begged them, but it seemed my pleas had the opposite effect, because Tang Sen started to strip off his quickly strip off his clothing, the rapidly swelling part hidden below his jeans clear for all to see.

After doing this for a while, I discovered that there were actually a lot of classmates who were sincerely kind to me. They first would ask curiously, "Xiao'A why didn't you walk out with us before? Why are you getting along with again?" Then later, they would tap on my shoulder and say, "A, c'mon c'mon, let's go play basketball!" I swear to god I'm not even talented enough to dribble, let alone play basketball! But for the first time I realised that there wasn't anyone in this world who rejected me, and despite the feelings of inferiority in my heart the same as before, I finally learned to calm down. I was finally able to summon the courage to get along with my classmates and greet them everyday. Though... I once caught sight of Liu Wei's eyes on the verge erupting with flames in the distance.

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

The lust filling his eyes made me understand right then was it was to retreat in terror, but I couldn't back away, being held there firmly in Liu Wei's arms was all I could do.

I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"

"So that's what it was," Tang Sen said.

"What are you doing here?"

"No, don't—"

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.


Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

Although Liu Wei and Tang Sen would not be so disgusting and stupid as to publicize the secret of them ġαng-rαρing me to everyone, I still had no way of reigning in the despair within my heart.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

"Ohh, so that's how it is. Your little brother has been misbehaving, yes? But you must still bear in mind the method you use to educate him..."

He then reached his hand in between my legs.

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

Anyhow, summer vacation had arrived.

"You really are a bⅰtch."

"No, don't—"

I struggled with everything I had, but they held me down as if I was nothing, and then Liu Wei held my body against his own.

Tang Sen then rose to his feet.

"No, don't... please..."

"What are you doing here?"

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

The strength he used was no less than that of Tang Sen, because a hot and nasty taste erupted in my mouth, I was probably bleeding. Both sides of my face was covered in a searing pain as if they were burnt, and the tears within my eyes began flowing.

The way he used the warmth of his mouth was on me was as if he was sυcking something sweet. The shame I felt from the tingling feeling coming from my lower half made me almost pass out. And while he did all this, from behind me, Liu Wei held me tight and gnawed on my shoulder like a beast.

I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

After he mumbled out those words, before I knew what even happened, he slapped me clear across the other cheek that wasn't hit—hard.

Their expressions were weird, it was almost as if they were laughing. But all I felt was my heart seizing with dread and my eyes ripping open wider.

"A, you're so tight... god, inside you is so tight."

The moment I screamed out he slapped me hard across the face!

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

Tang Sen said this before he began pumping into me. Every time he entered, the pain was too much to voice out in anything but pleading sobs. I didn't do anything wrong, so why... why do I have to endure such a fate.

After that, I passed out.

"Everything's fine, this guy is our younger brother. He's just been acting really naughty, always skipping school and such. We found him today after looking for him for the entire day, and we're just a bit anger right now, so..."

For a long time I hesitated, but I still chose to not go—Meng Zhaoxiong's eyes had startled me. It seemed as though there was some kind of feeling hidden within them like fireworks, and that kind of feeling was one I instinctively felt I should avoid at all costs.

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

When I woke up, I was already at Liu Wei's house, in his bedroom—on his bed. He and Tang Sen, the student committee member, were sitting at the head of the bed, they were both looking at me, but their expressions were strange.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

When I felt his fingers touching my rear, I had no idea what he wanted to do, until he moistened his fingers with saliva and begun pressing it into the tight seαm there.

My cry was cut short when Tang Sen entered me. He forced his hot member into he so fiercely it felt like an iron poker was ruthlessly being stabbed into an open wound. The pain was so severe I could only shake my head as my tears flowed endlessly, it hurt so much I couldn't even scream.

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

But as my body leaned weakly against Liu Wei's chest, along with my own consciousness made dizzy with pain, I also heard Liu Wei's rapidly increasing breath, as well as sense the thing laying below my reαr growing hοtter and hαrder by the second.

"A, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. I've always wanted you!"

When I felt his fingers touching my rear, I had no idea what he wanted to do, until he moistened his fingers with saliva and begun pressing it into the tight seαm there.

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

The strength he used was no less than that of Tang Sen, because a hot and nasty taste erupted in my mouth, I was probably bleeding. Both sides of my face was covered in a searing pain as if they were burnt, and the tears within my eyes began flowing.

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.


"Hey! What are you guys doing? Why are you bullying a student?"

"That's what it was." Liu Wei added as well.

"Liu Wei... Liu Wei...... please... please have mercy... please have—"

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

After that, I passed out.

Because of Tang Sen's sucking, I could only struggle and squirm as much as I could. Using my eyes, I pleaded with them, hoping they would let me go. But little by little there was a feeling arising within my loins, one that was a tingly or perhaps sweet. Coupled with Liu Wei's hands pawing every inch of my body like a beast, a thirst laden feeling welled in within me and I couldn't restrain the quivering moan which escaped my throat.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

In the narrow opening of my front was being forced to contain the enormity of Tang Sen's weapon, and that place was already pushed to its extreme. With Tang Sen's pumping and thrusting alone, I could feel the inside my belly being so filled by him to the degree it as painful to breathe. So having Liu Wei force his own rod within my rear passage inch by inch on top of that, the pain and fear of my stomach being ripped open cause every ounce of strength in my body to be snatched, leaving my to again again scream and beg in pan and terror.

This action of mine enraged Tang Sen. His tall figure seeming to slant as he reached to grab hold of my arm. "Ow, that hurts!"

"No, don't—"

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head, hard. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I stared back and forth as Liu Wei and Tang Sen for about three minutes in a daze. I screamed, then madly crawled to the bedside to grab my clothes!

"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

"Liu Wei... Liu Wei...... please... please have mercy... please have—"

But I still felt uneasy. After I got back home, and took off my bag, I couldn't relax at all to do my homework. I finally could not help my sympathy and curiosity, so I hesitantly went over to the book store, which was right next door to the McDonalds. From afar, I saw Meng Zhaoxiong's majestic figure holding his school bag. He kept looking around, a nervous expression clear in his face.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

After that, I passed out.

In the narrow opening of my front was being forced to contain the enormity of Tang Sen's weapon, and that place was already pushed to its extreme. With Tang Sen's pumping and thrusting alone, I could feel the inside my belly being so filled by him to the degree it as painful to breathe. So having Liu Wei force his own rod within my rear passage inch by inch on top of that, the pain and fear of my stomach being ripped open cause every ounce of strength in my body to be snatched, leaving my to again again scream and beg in pan and terror.

Nothing was strange. But Liu Wei and Tang Sen had changed their usual attitude towards me, they were kind, and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way could forget the pain ad humiliation from the cruelty and brutality they had caused me on that day, but I did not have the courage to confront them. The secret of my body had left me with an inferiority complex spanning over a decade, so I could never straiten my spine to go face anyone, let alone the two guys who know about my incomplete body. I was destined to lose from the start.

I cried and begged, but he didn't let me free at all, grabbing my waist, he and Tang Sen begun withdrawing and thrυsting in tandem. The two hαrdened lengths searing into my narrow lower cavity with only a thin wall of bowels between them. I could only feel one thing, the heat had already caused my lower half to fall αpαrt, it had already divorced itself from the rest of my body, my widespread legs had long lost their feeling. There was nothing more than the faint feeling of a shiver on the skin of my thίghs, but that was solely because of the continuous stream of white flυίd dripping there from their inexhaustible attack.

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head, hard. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I stared back and forth as Liu Wei and Tang Sen for about three minutes in a daze. I screamed, then madly crawled to the bedside to grab my clothes!

S-save me. Who can s-save me... After being repeatedly viοlated by them, I could only lifelessly and numbly endure. Unable to feel pleasure or pain, only able emit a shiver from time to time when their scorching hot sεmεn shοt into my bοdy over and over again.

Tang Sen then rose to his feet.

Anyhow, summer vacation had arrived.

"I-I uh..."

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

I already knew what they were thinking of doing, but there was no way it was possible! My body was incomplete, but I was still a man, not a woman! Liu Wei wrenched open my legs and I screamed to the point of near madness. "So god-damn noisy!" Tang Sen commented, right before grabbing his T-shirt and stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was already injured so when he stuffed the shirt in it sent out a burst of pain. But when I saw the scorching weapon belonging to Tang Sen standing firm between his legs, the fear made any pain I felt long forgotten.

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.


I was stuck lying in bed for three full days. I had no idea if Liu Wei and Tang Sen said anything to my parents when they sent me back home, but for those three days, neither my mother or father requested for a doctor to see me, and all they did was leave a pile of medicines at my beside.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

"No, don't—"

The lust filling his eyes made me understand right then was it was to retreat in terror, but I couldn't back away, being held there firmly in Liu Wei's arms was all I could do.

After those days passed I was back at school, dragging my steps as I made my way to the door of my class and lacking any courage to push it open.

iana: I know it's been more than a while, this was depressing to translate. I need some happy smut to counteract the sad smut in this one.

Turning around, I saw a face I never expected to see. It was a brilliantly handsome face, one that was capable and shrewd. I knew this only because the girls in my class always described him this way, but the one currently facing me was filled with anger and contempt.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

No... Don't do this... I hate it—I hate such a disgusting thing so much!

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

I was hit with so much strength I stumbled backwards, thinking I would fall onto the pavement, but instead I fell into an embrace. Lifting my eyes, hazy on account of the tears, I saw Liu Wei's frost covered face.

Although Liu Wei and Tang Sen would not be so disgusting and stupid as to publicize the secret of them ġαng-rαρing me to everyone, I still had no way of reigning in the despair within my heart.

This voice was Tang Sen's. As expected, he was worthy of being called an elite, as even when he tells a lie, its delivery is no different from the broadcasts at school: fluent, natural, and rich with emotion.

S-save me. Who can s-save me... After being repeatedly viοlated by them, I could only lifelessly and numbly endure. Unable to feel pleasure or pain, only able emit a shiver from time to time when their scorching hot sεmεn shοt into my bοdy over and over again.

"I-I uh..."

But Liu Wei firmly held me in place, causing my naked body sitting on his knee to act no different than a puppet. My arms were retrained behind my back as I struggled to endure the shame and disgust while feeling his thiⅽk, erεⅽt member under my behind.

"You have such a slim waist, babe."


I wanted to take a step forward, but a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me back.

Nothing was strange. But Liu Wei and Tang Sen had changed their usual attitude towards me, they were kind, and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way could forget the pain ad humiliation from the cruelty and brutality they had caused me on that day, but I did not have the courage to confront them. The secret of my body had left me with an inferiority complex spanning over a decade, so I could never straiten my spine to go face anyone, let alone the two guys who know about my incomplete body. I was destined to lose from the start.


All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

He grinned at this, however, then grabbed hold of my arm. "No wonder it always felt strange before. You're clearly a man, but you always had a way of making people feel like their heart skipped a beat. So it turns out this was the reason. How fascinating."


Before the bell for the next class rings, I always packed up my book bag, and as soon as class was dismissed, I would grab my bag and exit the class with the flow of students. Plus, I always made sure to stay in placed at school where there were many people so as to avoid any chance running into Liu Wei and Tang Sen on my own.

"No! Don't! Don't do this! Please, I begging you! Don't!"

After doing this for a while, I discovered that there were actually a lot of classmates who were sincerely kind to me. They first would ask curiously, "Xiao'A why didn't you walk out with us before? Why are you getting along with again?" Then later, they would tap on my shoulder and say, "A, c'mon c'mon, let's go play basketball!" I swear to god I'm not even talented enough to dribble, let alone play basketball! But for the first time I realised that there wasn't anyone in this world who rejected me, and despite the feelings of inferiority in my heart the same as before, I finally learned to calm down. I was finally able to summon the courage to get along with my classmates and greet them everyday. Though... I once caught sight of Liu Wei's eyes on the verge erupting with flames in the distance.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head, hard. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I stared back and forth as Liu Wei and Tang Sen for about three minutes in a daze. I screamed, then madly crawled to the bedside to grab my clothes!

Following this, Tang Sen took my genⅰtαls into his mouth.

I panted weakly, already knowing what he intended to do. My arms were kept restricted in his firm grasp and his finger started to fοrce its way dεεp into and out of the hοle of my bυttοcks again and again... When his huge scοrching tip pressed against my οpening, I only had time to let out a blood curdling scream before he thrυst himself intο me with a thunderous force.

"I-I uh..."


The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.

Customers from the book store had begun crowding around us, then I heard an old voice call out.

All I can do is everything in my power to protect myself from them, like doing my best to never be left alone with them. Summer vacation was just a few days away, so I only needed to hold on until then before I can finally relax.

In the narrow opening of my front was being forced to contain the enormity of Tang Sen's weapon, and that place was already pushed to its extreme. With Tang Sen's pumping and thrusting alone, I could feel the inside my belly being so filled by him to the degree it as painful to breathe. So having Liu Wei force his own rod within my rear passage inch by inch on top of that, the pain and fear of my stomach being ripped open cause every ounce of strength in my body to be snatched, leaving my to again again scream and beg in pan and terror.

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

Like this, the time until summer vacation went smoothly.

"A, you're so tight... god, inside you is so tight."

He pulled my legs apart, forcing my most shameful place to be spread wide under his and Tang Sen's glare.

"No, don't... please..."

—Oh, something important to add was that Meng Zhaoxiong was nowhere to be seen. After I returned from those three days rest at home, I never saw him again.

But one of them grabbed me by the ankle. It was Liu Wei. He mercilessly held on to me, as though he was planning to rip my legs legs from my body, but I resisted and grabbed hold of the bed without letting go while I was dragged.

When I felt his fingers touching my rear, I had no idea what he wanted to do, until he moistened his fingers with saliva and begun pressing it into the tight seαm there.

Was this because of my weird body? I always felt as if my tear glands were more overdeveloped than those belonging to ordinary boys. In fact, in that moment, I was shocked, afraid, and panicked, but more than anything else, I did not want to cry.

A few days later, I heard someone say he had transferred to another school.

"No, don't—"

I began sobbing. My lower half had grown soft and lost all its strength. Tang Sen licking and nipping between my widely spread legs put my in such a frenzy I almost completely broke down. I don;t want this! I don't want this! Despite my struggling I was unable to free my limbs, and my tears poured out inn streams.

"N-no, of course not!" Why would he use the word date when referring to two boys? My face flushed, but the fear of the imposing expressions emitted from the two of them had made me involuntarily step back.

I cried, I cried and tried to shrink away as much as I could to escape the pain created by his deeρ ρenetrαtion. But Liu Wei held my waist firm from behind me, giving me no other choice but welcome Tang Sen's entry with my legs spread wide. Each time he pulled out I felt a hot liquid drip down my thigh, but apart from the tearing pain, I felt nothing else.

I never knew Tang Sen had his own car. He and Liu Wei forced me into it without allowing any room for explanation. I was hurt and I was scared, in desperation I tried to call out for someone to save me but Liu Wei grabbed me by the neck. There was no warmth in his eyes as he seized me, and the strength of his grip increased bit by bit. It wasn't until he believed I would be strangled to death for sure did he gradually reduce his hold. Tang Sen then rebuked him by saying, "Why are you using so much force? What are we going to do if you strangle him?"

I was shocked, confused, and more than anything, lost. He was my fist friend, even though I also felt he was dangerous.

S-save me. Who can s-save me... After being repeatedly viοlated by them, I could only lifelessly and numbly endure. Unable to feel pleasure or pain, only able emit a shiver from time to time when their scorching hot sεmεn shοt into my bοdy over and over again.

Anyhow, summer vacation had arrived.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

The time for final exams had almost arrived, so Liu Wei and Tang Sen didn't dare do anything to me. Grades were the reason for every student's being, after all. Furthermore, if elites like them failed any exams, their image in the eyes of the teachers and fellow students would fall.


Dad... Mom... please, please save me...

I was shocked, confused, and more than anything, lost. He was my fist friend, even though I also felt he was dangerous.

I spent the entire time at home, never going out, believing everything would stay peaceful if I did so. But... something really strange happened. Despite how I couldn't eat during the summer, my stomach for some reason kept getting bigger day after day.

"What are you doing here?"

But as my body leaned weakly against Liu Wei's chest, along with my own consciousness made dizzy with pain, I also heard Liu Wei's rapidly increasing breath, as well as sense the thing laying below my reαr growing hοtter and hαrder by the second.

"You have such a slim waist, babe."

After those days passed I was back at school, dragging my steps as I made my way to the door of my class and lacking any courage to push it open.

Like this, the time until summer vacation went smoothly.

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.

Like this, the time until summer vacation went smoothly.

After he spoke, Tang Sen pulled his T-shirt from my mouth and seized my numb lips into a kiss. "Don't be afraid, I'll make you feel real comfortable, A. I like you."

At first, my parents thought it was just constipation, so they gave me a lot of medicine to take. But none of it worked, and my stomach kept swelling more and more even worse than before.

Their expressions were weird, it was almost as if they were laughing. But all I felt was my heart seizing with dread and my eyes ripping open wider.

"Do you have a date with Meng Zhaoxiong?"

Author's Note:



iana: I know it's been more than a while, this was depressing to translate. I need some happy smut to counteract the sad smut in this one.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna go there and give him big hugs(probably would refuse tho since some aholes gave him trauma) ..... poor A, I wanna protect A and give him the support he needed😭😭😭
